The Democrats should get a tax cut bill ready, one for people who need it

There is a busy schedule waiting for Congress when they get back from summer vacation. Some in the GOP still want to do something on health care, but in the short term they have to raise the debt ceiling, they have to pass a budget or a continuing resolution and they want to do tax…

Why congressional Republicans are probably stuck with Trump

Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via Visual Hunt / CC BY-SA People waiting for the GOP controlled congress to act against Donald Trump are probably in for a long wait. The treasonous acts which Trump administration officials are suspected of are what is holding the Republican party together and the Republican base still strongly supports the Trump administration.…

American conservatism died tonight in Indiana

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA Tonight marked the end of the conservative movement in the United States. In 2008 and 2012 the cracks started to show, with those elections demonstrating a demographic problem with electing Republicans in a national vote. In 2016, conservatives failed to win the Republican primary, leaving them…

Despite Republican obstructions, President Obama had a spectacular 2014

2014 was one of the most remarkable years in recent memory from an American President. Republicans in the United States like to call Obama a ‘dictator’ but, to the extent that’s true, it’s because the ‘people’s representatives’ in the U.S. congress failed to show up. Only a last minute burst of activity prevented the 113th…

How Screwed is the Republican Party?

There are essentially two camps in the Republican Party. There is the Karl Rove camp, which guided the GOP through the Bush years. It appears that large numbers in the GOP are smart enough to realize that following Rove is not a good long term strategy. Via Atlantic Wire: “Karl Rove was loathed and respected…

How Screwed is the Republican Party?

There are essentially two camps in the Republican Party. There is the Karl Rove camp, which guided the GOP through the Bush years. It appears that large numbers in the GOP are smart enough to realize that following Rove is not a good long term strategy. Via Atlantic Wire: “Karl Rove was loathed and respected…

Legitimate Rape (the Song), the Republican Party Agrees with Todd Akin and Other Notes

The information on, articles about and pot shots at Todd Akin are coming too fast and furious to try to focus on them all. Instead, here are a few hilights from today’s news. First, a very important song that will help you to know if (by Republican standards) you have been legitimately raped. via Buzzfeed…

Legitimate Rape (the Song), the Republican Party Agrees with Todd Akin and Other Notes

The information on, articles about and pot shots at Todd Akin are coming too fast and furious to try to focus on them all. Instead, here are a few hilights from today’s news. First, a very important song that will help you to know if (by Republican standards) you have been legitimately raped. via Buzzfeed…