Category: Human Mobility

  • What the Future Holds Part II: Climate, Food and Migration

    Back to Part 1 or jump to Part 3 While technological change could well change what it means to be human over the next several generations, environmental changes will be just as disruptive and are far more certain. Even if the nations of the world achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Accords, the impacts…

  • Canada needs to respond to Trump with an emergency Safe Harbour immigration law

    Given the turbulent times in the United States, Canada needs an emergency safe harbour law to protect vulnerable populations in the short term.  The law would serve as an addition to our normal immigration laws and would serve as a test case for future global emergencies.  It would grant a temporary version of permanent residency,…

  • Despite Republican obstructions, President Obama had a spectacular 2014

    2014 was one of the most remarkable years in recent memory from an American President. Republicans in the United States like to call Obama a ‘dictator’ but, to the extent that’s true, it’s because the ‘people’s representatives’ in the U.S. congress failed to show up. Only a last minute burst of activity prevented the 113th…

  • Video: What Happens to Mexican Immigrants After They’re Deported?

    Immigration reform is a hot topic in the US this year, but immigration has been a hot button topic for decades. Very little attention has been paid though, by any side in the debate, to what happens to people after they are deported. This 30 minute doc from Vice provides a look.

  • War Resisters May Be Welcome in Canada After All

    The CBC is reporting tonight that war resister Joshua Key may qualify as a refugee after all. A Canadian Federal court ruled today that Canada’s refugee board was wrong when it decided that the legality of the war or war crimes were not grounds for refugee status. Barnes said the board erred “by concluding that…