Category: Racism

  • Andrew Scheer is wrong: Freedom of speech in Canada is just fine

    As part of his bid to win the Conservative leadership, Andrew Scheer is pretending that free speech is under threat on Canadian campuses. What he is really talking about however, is protecting people from the consequences of unpopular speech including protecting hate speech from negative reactions. What really seems to trouble conservatives like Scheer is…

  • No, you can’t support Donald Trump without being a bigot

    Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA If you lived in Germany in 1932 and voted for Hitler, you were anti-semitic. It doesn’t matter how you felt about Jewish people, you were empowering a regime built on hate, one that courted and counted on the support of bigots in their quest for power. I…

  • Brexit is the UK’s Donald Trump

    Photo credit: Davide D’Amico via Visualhunt / CC BY-SA The world is shocked and appalled that Donald Trump has become a major party candidate for President of the United States. It is like watching a train wreck in slow motion, but Trumpism isn’t confined to the US. On Thursday, the UK will vote for or…

  • Numbers don’t lie: Islamophobia vs. Statistics

    Pundits like Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Bill Maher would like you to believe that Islamophobia is about religion, rather than race. They would also like you to believe that Islam is an inherently violent religion – that violence in the Middle East and attacks like those in Paris about 10 days ago are due…

  • Yes, the Redskins are a racist organization to the core

    Recently, the Washington Redskins lost their trademark protection because of the racist nature of their logo and name. Many fans of the football team were shocked and outraged, but I don’t know why. Sports teams should not be allowed to have openly racist names (or sexist or homophobic names for that matter). “Braves” and “Indians”…

  • An Ad About That Racist Team in Washington That You Won’t See During the Superbowl likely doesn’t have the money to buy two minutes during the superbowl, even if the NFL would agree to let this add play (which they likely wouldn’t). I honestly have no idea how such overt racism is allowed to continue in 2013. In addition to the NFL team, there are two Major League Baseball…

  • How Screwed is the Republican Party?

    There are essentially two camps in the Republican Party. There is the Karl Rove camp, which guided the GOP through the Bush years. It appears that large numbers in the GOP are smart enough to realize that following Rove is not a good long term strategy. Via Atlantic Wire: “Karl Rove was loathed and respected…

  • How Screwed is the Republican Party?

    There are essentially two camps in the Republican Party. There is the Karl Rove camp, which guided the GOP through the Bush years. It appears that large numbers in the GOP are smart enough to realize that following Rove is not a good long term strategy. Via Atlantic Wire: “Karl Rove was loathed and respected…