Category: 2016 Election

  • James Comey and the GOP establishment may be the winners of the 2016 election

    Embed from Getty Images No one but James Comey knows what his future plans or ambitions are. However, whatever they may be, the Republican establishment will be sure to help the former FBI Director to achieve them. If the memo reported by the New York Times leads to the downfall of President Donald Trump, Comey…

  • Want to stop Trump? Join the Democratic party and work hard

    Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via Visual Hunt / CC BY Revolutions almost never actually happens. The things that people call revolutions are usually the crescendo of a movement which has worked hard and systematically for decades to create change. For example, the arrival of marriage equality in the US in 2015 was the high point of…

  • 2016 is the “Return of the Jedi” of US elections

    According to Harry Enton at, US men are treating 2016 as ‘just another election’. Women, for reasons that should be obvious to anyone following events, are taking it far more seriously. It is incredible to me that anyone isn’t taking this election seriously, and not just because of Donald Trump. This is the Return…

  • No, you can’t support Donald Trump without being a bigot

    Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA If you lived in Germany in 1932 and voted for Hitler, you were anti-semitic. It doesn’t matter how you felt about Jewish people, you were empowering a regime built on hate, one that courted and counted on the support of bigots in their quest for power. I…

  • Will Donald Trump use the RNC to quit the race?

    Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via / CC BY-SA If Donald Trump doesn’t really want to be president and doesn’t want to lose the election, the Republican National Convention is his best change to walk away as a hero to the GOP rank and file. Ever since Trump became the GOP frontrunner there has been…

  • If Bernie voters don’t actively back Hillary Clinton, their revolution is over

    Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via Visualhunt / CC BY-SA It has been a busy week. On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton became the first female major party nominee for president. Sanders hasn’t conceded yet, but Clinton’s four million vote lead is insurmountable. On Wednesday President Barak Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren officially endorsed Clinton….

  • American conservatism died tonight in Indiana

    Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA Tonight marked the end of the conservative movement in the United States. In 2008 and 2012 the cracks started to show, with those elections demonstrating a demographic problem with electing Republicans in a national vote. In 2016, conservatives failed to win the Republican primary, leaving them…

  • Why a Bloomberg White House might be the palate cleanser America needs

    Photo credit: Center for American Progress via / CC BY-ND Four years to get their houses in order and take some controversial issues off the agenda could help the Democrats and Republicans to have a better debate in 2020. An article in the Chicago Sun-Times today points out that, although Bloomberg hasn’t announced yet,…

  • A peek through the crystal ball into a Bernie Sanders White House

    Photo via Visualhunt A Bernie Sanders White House isn’t realistically going to happen. Even if he wins the Democratic nomination, which is still unlikely, he would have to beat the Republicans after pledging to raise taxes and basically acknowledging that foreign policy isn’t his strong suit. To make matters worse, if the Republican nominee is…

  • Pride & Prejudice: Angry white voter edition

    Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via / CC BY-SA Today on Twitter, Juliana Pache said “White people think pro-blackness is anti-white because pro-whiteness is rooted in racism & is synonymous with white supremacy & violence.” White people think pro-blackness is anti-white because pro-whiteness is rooted in racism & is synonymous with white supremacy & violence. —…