The Democrats should get a tax cut bill ready, one for people who need it

There is a busy schedule waiting for Congress when they get back from summer vacation. Some in the GOP still want to do something on health care, but in the short term they have to raise the debt ceiling, they have to pass a budget or a continuing resolution and they want to do tax…

The scariest question in American politics might be ‘what happens in 2020?’

Based on the current momentum, it is unlikely that Donald Trump will be on the ballot in November of 2020. Between scandals, investigations, his obvious frustration with Washington, Washington’s frustration with Trump, looming primary challenges and his age (74 in 2020), a second Trump administration probably isn’t in the cards. That still leaves the question…

Want to stop Trump? Join the Democratic party and work hard

Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via Visual Hunt / CC BY Revolutions almost never actually happens. The things that people call revolutions are usually the crescendo of a movement which has worked hard and systematically for decades to create change. For example, the arrival of marriage equality in the US in 2015 was the high point of…