Reliable Sources

Google does not discriminate between sources of information, but I do. Searching using this search engine will give you only the best information from 280 respected, relatively unbiased, reliable sources that strive for accuracy. More information below:

This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all reliable sites, that would be impossible. The sites listed below are included in the search engine, the name of the publication is followed by the country where it is headquartered and its bias rating on All sources, excluding a handful of unrated sites, included here have a Factual Reporting rating of “high” or “very high” on that website. 

The sites included break down as follows:
Bias: Least Biased: 140, Pro-Science: 83, Left Center: 25, Right Center: 25, Not Rated: 5

Location: United States: 214, United Kingdom: 14, Canada: 14, Australia: 7, Ireland: 5, International (bases in multiple countries): 5, Europe (multiple European locations): 5, Japan: 3, Germany, France and India: 2 each and 1 each in China, Congo, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Jordan, Mexico, New Zealand, Phillippines, Qatar, South Africa, Switzerland and Sweden.

  1. ABC News (Australia) – Least Biased
  2. Aboriginal People’s Television Network (Canada) – Least Biased
  3. AFP (France) – Least Biased
  4. Africa News (Congo) – Least Biased
  5. Air and Space Magazine (US) – Pro-Science
  6. Al Jazeera (Qatar) – Left Center
  7. AllGov (US) – Least Biased
  8. Alliance for Securing Democracy (US / Europe) – Least Biased
  9. American Academy of Pediatrics (US) – Pro-Science
  10. American Association for the Advancement of Science (US) – Pro-Science
  11. American Foreign Policy Council (US) – Right Center
  12. American Geophysical Union (US) – Pro-Science
  13. American Institute of Physics (US) – Pro-Science
  14. American Journal of Archeology (US) – Pro-Science
  15. American Journal of Public Health (US) – Pro-Science
  16. American Physical Society (US) – Pro-Science
  17. American Psychoanalytic Association (US) – Pro-Science
  18. Americas Quarterly (US) – Right Center
  19. American Scientist (US) – Pro-Science
  20. Anthropocene Magazine (US) – Least Biased
  21. Anxiety and Depression Association of America (US) – Least Biased 
  22. Archeology Magazine (US) – Pro-Science
  23. Ars Technica (US) – Pro-Science
  24. Astronomy Magazine (US) – Pro-Science
  25. Australian (Australia) – Right Center
  26. Australian Skeptics Inc (Australia) – Pro-Science
  27. Arizona Republic (US) – Right Center
  28. Asia News International (India) – Least Biased
  29. Asia Times (Hong Kong) – Least Biased
  30. Associated Press (US) – Least Biased
  31. Atlantic Council (US) – Least Biased
  32. Atlas of Economic Complexity (US) – Not Rated
  33. Australian Financial Review (Australia) – Least Biased
  34. Autistic Self Advocacy Network (US) – Pro-Science
  35. Ballotpedia (US) – Least Biased
  36. BBC News (UK) – Left-Center
  37. Big Think (US) – Least Biased
  38. Bipartisan Policy Center (US) – Right Center
  39. Bloomberg (US) – Left Center 
  40. British Medical Journal (UK) – Pro-Science
  41. Brookings Institution (US) – Left Center
  42. Bureau of Investigative Journalism (UK) – Least Biased
  43. Cato Institute (US) – Right Center
  44. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (US) – Least Biased
  45. CBC News (Canada) – Left Center
  46. Center for Advanced Defense Studies (US) – Least Biased
  47. Center for Democracy and Technology (US) – Least Biased
  48. Center for Global Development (US/UK) – Least Biased
  49. Center for Inquiry (US) – Least Biased
  50. Center for a New American Security (US) – Least Biased
  51. Center for Public Integrity (US) – Least Biased
  52. CPAC (Canada) – Least Biased
  53. Center for Responsive Politics / Open Secrets (US) – Least Biased
  54. Center for Strategic and International Studies (US) – Least Biased
  55. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US) – Least Biased
  56. Chicago Sun Times (US) – Left Center
  57. Christian Science Monitor (US) – Least Biased
  58. Chronicle of Higher Education (US) – Least Biased
  59. Climate Central (US) – Pro-Science
  60. Climate Feedback (US) – Pro-Science
  61. Cochrane (US) – Pro-Science
  62. Columbia Journalism Review (US) – Left Center
  63. Committee for Economic Development (US) – Least Biased
  64. Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (US) – Least Biased
  65. Committee to Protect Journalists (US) – Least Biased 
  66. Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (US) – Pro-Science
  67. Congressional Budget Office (US) – Least Biased
  68. Constitution Project (US) – Least Biased
  69. Consumer Reports (US) – Least Biased
  70. ConsumerLab (US) – Pro-Science
  71. Cook Political Report (US) – Least Biased
  72. Council on Foreign Relations (US) – Right Center
  73. Courthouse News Service (US) – Least Biased
  74. Cosmos Magazine (Australia) – Pro-Science
  75. CNet (US) – Pro-Science
  76. CP24 (Canada) – Least Biased
  77. Crimeola (US) – Last Biased
  78. C-Span (US) – Least Biased
  79. Daily Telegraph (UK) – Right Center
  80. Dallas Morning News (US) – Right Center
  81. Defense One (US) – Least Biased
  82. Des Moines Register (US) – Least Biased
  83. Diplomat Magazine (US) – Least Biased
  84. Discover Magazine (US) – Pro-Science
  85. Doctors Without Borders (US) – Least Biased
  86. Doubtful News (US) – Pro-Science
  87. DPA German News Agency (Germany) – Least Biased
  88. Economist (UK) – Least Biased
  89. Earth & Sky (US) – Pro-Science
  90. Earth Institute (US) – Least Biased
  91. Earth Magazine (US) – Pro-Science
  92. Edge Foundation (US) – Pro-Science
  93. Encyclopedia Britannica (US) – Pro-Science
  94. Eurasia Group (International) – Least Biased
  95. Euronews (Europe) – Least Biased
  96. European Space Agency (Europe) – Not Rated
  97. Every CRS Report (US) – Least Biased
  98. (US) – Least Biased
  99. Fake News Codex (US) – Least Biased
  100. Federation of American Scientists (US) – Least Biased
  101. Financial Post (Canada) – Right Center
  102. Financial Times (UK) – Least Biased
  103. FiveThirtyEight (US) – Left Center
  104. Foreign Affairs (US) – Least Biased
  105. Foreign Policy (US) – Least Biased
  106. Foreign Policy Initiative (US) – Right Center
  107. Foreign Policy Research Institute (US) – Right Center
  108. Fortune Magazine (US) – Right Center
  109. Foundation for Economic Education (US) – Right Center
  110. Fraser Institute (Canada) – Right Center
  111. Frontiers in Psychology (US) – Pro-Science
  112. Full Fact (UK) – Least Biased
  113. Futurism (US) – Pro-Science
  114. Gallup (US) – Least Biased
  115. Gapminder ( Sweden ) – Not Rated
  116. Genetic Literacy Project (US) – Pro-Science
  117. GovTrack (US) – Least Biased
  118. Global Integrity (US) – Least Biased
  119. Global Slavery Index (US) – Least Biased
  120. Globe and Mail (Canada) – Left Center
  121. Guardian (US/UK) – Left Center
  122. Harvard Business Review (US) – Least Biased
  123. Harvard Political Review (US) – Least Biased
  124. Health Affairs Journal (US) – Pro-Science
  125. Hoax Slayer (US) – Least Biased
  126. Hoover Institution (US) – Right Center
  127. HowStuffWorks (US) – Pro-Science
  128. Humanist (US) – Least Biased 
  129. iMediaEthics (US) – Least Biased
  130. International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (International) – Least Biased
  131. International Energy Agency (France) – Least Biased
  132. International Renewable Energy Agency (International) – Pro-Science
  133. Investopedia (US) – Least Biased
  134. iPolitics (Canada) – Left Center
  135. Irish Independent (Ireland) – Right Center
  136. Irish Times (Ireland) – Left Center
  137. Jakarta Post (Indonesia) – Least Biased
  138. Japan Times (Japan) – Least Biased
  139. Japan Today (Japan) – Right Center
  140. Jerusalem Post (Israel) – Least Biased
  141. Johns Hopkins Medicine (US) – Pro-Science
  142. Jordan Times (Jordan) – Least Biased
  143. Journal (Ireland) – Least Biased
  144. Kaiser Family Foundation (US) – Least Biased
  145. Know Your Meme (US) – Least Biased
  146. Lawfare (US) – Left Center
  147. Live Science (US) – Pro-Science
  148. Los Angeles Times (US) – Left Center
  149. MacLeans (Canada) – Left Center
  150. MakeUseOf (US) – Least Biased
  151. Market Watch (US) – Least Biased
  152. Marshall Project (US) – Least Biased
  153. Mayo Clinic (US) – Pro-Science
  154. McClatchy (US) – Least Biased
  155. Media Bias/ Fact Check (US) – Not Rated
  156. Medscape (US) – Pro-Science
  157. MedicalXPress (US) – Pro-Science
  158. Meme Policeman (US) – Least Biased
  159. Metabunk (US) – Least Biased
  160. MediaShift (US) – Least Biased
  161. Mexico News Daily (Mexico) – Left Center
  162. MIT Technology Review (US) – Pro-Science
  163. Moderate Voice (US) – Least Biased
  164. Montreal Gazette (Canada) – Left Center
  165. Mosaic (US) – Pro-Science
  166. NASA (US) – Pro-Science
  167. National Academy of Sciences (US) – Pro-Science
  168. National Bureau of Economic Research (US) – Least Biased
  169. National Centers for Environmental Information (US) – Pro-Science
  170. National Geographic (US) – Pro-Science
  171. National Institute on Money in State Politics (US) – Least Biased
  172. National Institutes of Health (US) – Pro-Science
  173. National Observer (Canada) – Left Center
  174. National Post (Canada) – Right Center
  175. NationMaster (US) – Least Biased
  176. Nature (UK) – Pro-Science
  177. Nautilus (US) – Pro-Science
  178. Neuroscience News (US) – Pro-Science
  179. New America (US) – Least Biased
  180. New York Times (US) – Left Center
  181. News24 (South Africa) – Least Biased
  182. New Scientist (UK) – Pro-Science
  183. News Literacy Project (US) – Least Biased
  184. NZ Herald (New Zealand) – Least Biased
  185. NextGov (US) – Least Biased
  186. NHK World (Japan) – Least Biased
  187. Niskanen Center (US) – Least Biased
  188. No Labels (US) – Least Biased
  189. NPR (US) – Left Center
  190. Observatory (US) – Least Biased
  191. Oceana (US) – Pro-Science
  192. Open the Government (US) – Least Biased
  193. Orange Country Register (US) – Right Center
  194. Ottawa Citizen (Canada) – Right Center
  195. Oyez (US) – Least Biased
  196. Pan American Health Organization (US) – Pro-Science
  197. PBS News Hour (US) – Left Center
  198. Peterson Institute for International Economics (US) – Least Biased
  199. Pew Research (US) – Least Biased
  200. (UK) – Pro-Science
  201. PoliFact (US) – Least Biased
  202. (US) – Least Biased
  203. Places Research (US) – Least Biased
  204. Politico (US/Europe) – Left Center
  205. Popular Mechanics (US) – Pro-Science
  206. Popular Science (US) – Pro-Science
  207. Poynter Institute (US) – Least Biased
  208. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (US) – Pro-Science
  209. (US) – Least Biased
  210. Project on Government Oversight (US) – Least Biased
  211. Project Syndicate (Czech Republic) – Least Biased
  212. PsyPost (US) – Pro-Science
  213. Public Policy Polling (US) – Least Biased
  214. Public Religion Research Institute (US) – Least Biased
  215. Quackwatch (US) – Pro-Science
  216. Quanta Magazine (US) – Pro-Science
  217. Rasmussen Reports (US) – Right Center
  218. Real Clear Politics (US) – Right Center
  219. Realm of History (US) – Pro-Science
  220. Reason (US) – Right Center
  221. Resource Watch (US) – Pro-Science
  222. Reuters (US) – Least Biased
  223. Retraction Watch (US) – Pro-Science
  224. Roll Call (US) – Least Biased
  225. RTE (Ireland) – Least Biased
  226. Scicheck (US) – Pro-Science
  227. Science Alert (US) – Pro-Science
  228. Science Based Medicine (US) – Pro-Science
  229. Science Daily (US) – Pro-Science
  230. Science Illustrated (Australia) – Pro-Science
  231. Science Magazine (US) – Pro-Science
  232. Science News (US) – Pro-Science
  233. Science Trends (US) – Pro-Science
  234. Scientific American (US) – Pro-Science
  235. Scripps Institution of Oceanography (US) – Pro-Science
  236. Scotsman (UK) – Least Biased
  237. SCOTUSblog (US) – Least Biased
  238. Skeptic’s Dictionary (US) – Pro-Science
  239. Skeptic Magazine (US) – Pro-Science
  240. Skeptical Inquirer (US) – Pro-Science
  241. Skeptical Science (Australia) – Pro-Science
  242. Skeptoid (US) – Pro-Science
  243. Shorenstein Center (US) – Least Biased
  244. Smithsonian Magazine (US) – Pro-Science
  245. Snopes (US) – Least Biased
  246. Sociable (Ireland) – Least Biased
  247. South China Morning Post (China) – Least Biased
  248. Southern Poverty Law Center (US) – Left Center
  249. (US) – Pro-Science
  250. Strategy Bridge (US) – Least Biased
  251. Sunlight Foundation (US) – Least Biased
  252. TechXPlore (US) – Pro-Science
  253. Third Way (US) – Least Biased
  254. ThoughtCo (US) – Least Biased
  255. Times of India (India) – Least Biased
  256. Today I Found Out (US) – Least Biased
  257. Toronto Star (Canada) – Left Center
  258. Transparency International (Germany) – Least Biased
  259. Truth or Fiction (US) – Least Biased
  260. Undark (US) – Least Biased
  261. United Press International (US) – Least Biased
  262. USA Facts (US) – Least Biased
  263. USA Spending (US) – Least Biased
  264. Vera Files (Philippines) – Least Biased
  265. Vote Smart (US) – Least Biased
  266. Wall Street Journal (US) – Right Center
  267. War on the Rocks (US) – Least Biased
  268. Washington Post (US) – Left Center
  269. Wikinews (US) – Least Biased
  270. Wikipedia (US) – Least Biased
  271. WikiTribune (US) – Least Biased
  272. Wired (US/UK) – Left Center
  273. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (US) – Least Biased
  274. World Economic Forum (Switzerland) – Least Biased
  275. World Factbook (US) – Not Rated
  276. World Health Organization (International) – Pro-Science
  277. World Meteorological Organization (International) – Pro-Science
  278. World Politics Review (US) – Least Biased
  279. World Press Review (US) – Least Biased
  280. World Resources Institute (US) – Least Biased