The scariest question in American politics might be ‘what happens in 2020?’

Based on the current momentum, it is unlikely that Donald Trump will be on the ballot in November of 2020. Between scandals, investigations, his obvious frustration with Washington, Washington’s frustration with Trump, looming primary challenges and his age (74 in 2020), a second Trump administration probably isn’t in the cards. That still leaves the question…

James Comey and the GOP establishment may be the winners of the 2016 election

Embed from Getty Images No one but James Comey knows what his future plans or ambitions are. However, whatever they may be, the Republican establishment will be sure to help the former FBI Director to achieve them. If the memo reported by the New York Times leads to the downfall of President Donald Trump, Comey…

America, as we know it, cannot survive without an independent investigation of Trump and Russia

People frequently say that, at certain times, politicians must choose country over party. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it’s just hyperbole. However, if there has ever been a time when it was true, then the Trump – Russia scandal is it. It has the potential to weigh as heavily on the American consciousness as…

How Trump’s moves against Syria may benefit Vladamir Putin

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA The US attack on air bases in Syria last Thursday obviously help Donald Trump domestically. They came just as Congress took it’s scheduled Easter recess. With Congress not in session, changes are that there will be no significant developments in the multiple ongoing investigations into the…

Roundup: What people are saying about Trump’s executive order on climate

On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order that rolls back many of Barack Obama’s climate policies, including those aimed at meeting the targets of the Paris climate agreement. The full text of the order is available at PBS, the full text annotated by an expert in environmental law is available at Vox.…

Roundup: The fallout from the failure to repeal Obamacare

Pretty much everyone is painting the defeat of the Republican bill as a major defeat for Trump and the Republican congress including ABC News, the New York Times, Reuters, the Chicago Tribune, the Dallas Morning News, Boston Globe, CBS News, the Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe and BBC. Despite Republican control of both the House…

Why congressional Republicans are probably stuck with Trump

Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via Visual Hunt / CC BY-SA People waiting for the GOP controlled congress to act against Donald Trump are probably in for a long wait. The treasonous acts which Trump administration officials are suspected of are what is holding the Republican party together and the Republican base still strongly supports the Trump administration.…

Canada needs to respond to Trump with an emergency Safe Harbour immigration law

Given the turbulent times in the United States, Canada needs an emergency safe harbour law to protect vulnerable populations in the short term.  The law would serve as an addition to our normal immigration laws and would serve as a test case for future global emergencies.  It would grant a temporary version of permanent residency,…

The rise of protectionist populism in the US will speed up the robotics revolution.

Photo credit: Merrill College of Journalism Press Releases via Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC For years people have been predicting that robotics and automation will start taking middle class and working class jobs at an alarming rate. So far, those predictions been quietly coming true and it is probably going to get much worse in…

After Brexit and Trump, electoral reform is more important now than it was in 2015

Photo credit: FutUndBeidl via Visualhunt / CC BY Fortunately, despite skepticism by many, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that electoral reform is still on the table. When Trudeau was elected just over a year ago, his promise that 2015 was the last election to be fought under the “first past the post” system. Since that…