Am I still a “progressive”? It depends on who you ask

I have always considered myself to be “progressive” but, over the last few years, I’ve become uncomfortable with the term. I am certainly in favour of progress but many “progressives” seem to have fashioned it into a hard and fast dogma from which there is no room for variation. Because human knowledge and circumstances are…

Boycott the Sochi Olympics

Russia’s human rights record under Vladamir Putin is terrible and is about to get much worse. Yesterday, Harvey Fierstein posted the following to Facebook: It’s time to start paying attention to what’s going on in Russia in case you haven’t yet. Putin has declared war on the gay community. He’s made it illegal to promote homosexuality…

Don’t Blink: Baby Cured of Aids, Walmart Takes Over the US Budget & British Human Rights Problems

A few stories that caught my eye this weekend: After early treatment a two year old, born with AIDS, in Mississippi has been cured. It’s too bad that Mississippi doesn’t believe in science. Obama’s new budget chief is coming from Wal Mart, because Wal Mart has done soooo much to improve the US economy. (<–…

Don’t Blink: Baby Cured of Aids, Walmart Takes Over the US Budget & British Human Rights Problems

A few stories that caught my eye this weekend: After early treatment a two year old, born with AIDS, in Mississippi has been cured. It’s too bad that Mississippi doesn’t believe in science. Obama’s new budget chief is coming from Wal Mart, because Wal Mart has done soooo much to improve the US economy. (<–…

Pussy Riot Wins By Losing

Three members of Pussy Riot were sentenced, yesterday, to two years in prison for “hooliganism” and, presumably “general shenanigans and hijinks” for daring to insult Russian President and former KGB officer Vladamir Putin. The sentence is harsh and will, no doubt, be appealed. It is also the worst thing the Russian courts and whoever pulls…

Pussy Riot Wins By Losing

Three members of Pussy Riot were sentenced, yesterday, to two years in prison for “hooliganism” and, presumably “general shenanigans and hijinks” for daring to insult Russian President and former KGB officer Vladamir Putin. The sentence is harsh and will, no doubt, be appealed. It is also the worst thing the Russian courts and whoever pulls…

Siddiqui: Stephen Harper’s homegrown human rights problem (Toronto Star)

Stephen Harper is in trouble for being ham-fisted with Parliament and several public institutions. He has also caused a ruckus by penalizing those who dare criticize Israel. Fused together, those two traits can be combustible enough. Adding a third element, catering to his party’s conservative ideologues, the Prime Minister has created a major crisis at…

A National Code of Conduct for Journalists?

Richard Moon’s report on the Canadian Human Rights commission was released today. In one of it’s more controversial points it recommended that hate speech not be covered by the Human Rights act: “My principle recommendation, in the end, has been for the repeal of Section 13,” Moon told CBC News on Monday. “That does not…

Beyond the Red Wall: The Persecution of Fulan Gong

“Edit Nov 25, 07: This video was pulled from YouTube because of a copyright claim by Canamedia. If anyone finds the unedited version elsewhere please let me know.” This documentary has caused quite a stir, not necessarily because of it’s content but because of the CBC. The CBC (Canadian broadcaster for the 2008 Beijing Olympics)…