Category: 2014

  • If this trailer is true, Mad Max will be better than ever

    Trailers can lie, anyone with any talent as an editor should be able to cobble together a few minutes of footage from a two hour movie and make it look like it’s gonna be good. With that said though, if Mad Max: Fury Road (IMDB) is half as good as this trailer makes it look,…

  • The Walking Dead Full Comic Con panel and Season 5 trailer

    Entering Season 5, the Walking Dead is looking for something to be about. In season 1 it was about the zombie apocalypse. In season 2 everyone hung out at a farm and talked about whether or not there was a god, also a child died. In season 3 the gang found a prison to take…

  • Video: The Oscars in Two Minutes

    If the Academy Award people are concerned about the ceremony’s tendency to run long, they should talk to the people at Digg. They’ve condensed the ceremony down to two minutes. So if you missed it and want to catch the hi-lights or of you deliberately avoided watching it because of the length or if you’d just…

  • Star Trek’s ‘Redshirts’ finally get their due in new TV series

    According to /Film the 2013 Hugo Award winner for Best Novel Redshirts is being adapted into a limited TV series for FX. So, it’s not really about the ill fated red shirts of the original Enterprise. That would involve copyright and other such things. At the same time though, it is about those poor doomed…

  • Boycott the Sochi Olympics

    Russia’s human rights record under Vladamir Putin is terrible and is about to get much worse. Yesterday, Harvey Fierstein posted the following to Facebook: It’s time to start paying attention to what’s going on in Russia in case you haven’t yet. Putin has declared war on the gay community. He’s made it illegal to promote homosexuality…

  • Coming 2014: Black Sails (Like Game of Thrones but Pirates!)

    Actually Black Sails looks a bit more like the History Channels surprisingly good Vikings but there is some squabbling and violence over who gets to be king .. so maybe in between. Starz and Michael Bay are getting ready to offer up the pirate adventure in 2014 in the hope that it will fit in with…

  • Coming 2014: Black Sails (Like Game of Thrones but Pirates!)

    Actually Black Sails looks a bit more like the History Channels surprisingly good Vikings but there is some squabbling and violence over who gets to be king .. so maybe in between. Starz and Michael Bay are getting ready to offer up the pirate adventure in 2014 in the hope that it will fit in with…