How Trump’s moves against Syria may benefit Vladamir Putin

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA The US attack on air bases in Syria last Thursday obviously help Donald Trump domestically. They came just as Congress took it’s scheduled Easter recess. With Congress not in session, changes are that there will be no significant developments in the multiple ongoing investigations into the…

Overview: ISIS, Syria, Iraq, the Sunni, Shia and the Kurds in 23 minutes

Photo credit: quapan via Visual hunt / CC BY Given that the Islamic State (IS, ISIL, ISIS) is a hot button issue in just about every country in the world, I thought a little introduction might be helpful for some. It is difficult to understand the validity of a politician or pundit’s position, without knowing…

Don’t Blink: Forced Marriage, Slavery in the UK, Co2 Rises Again and Bees Kill HIV

Some stories from this weekend: A new poll says that, with Justin Trudeau as leader, the Liberals could win the next election by a wide margin. According to a UK survey, 39 thousand girls are forced into marriage daily worldwide. Kenya’s newly elected President Uhuru Kenyatta is due to stand trial for war crimes. 2012…

Don’t Blink: Forced Marriage, Slavery in the UK, Co2 Rises Again and Bees Kill HIV

Some stories from this weekend: A new poll says that, with Justin Trudeau as leader, the Liberals could win the next election by a wide margin. According to a UK survey, 39 thousand girls are forced into marriage daily worldwide. Kenya’s newly elected President Uhuru Kenyatta is due to stand trial for war crimes. 2012…

Don’t Blink: Baby Cured of Aids, Walmart Takes Over the US Budget & British Human Rights Problems

A few stories that caught my eye this weekend: After early treatment a two year old, born with AIDS, in Mississippi has been cured. It’s too bad that Mississippi doesn’t believe in science. Obama’s new budget chief is coming from Wal Mart, because Wal Mart has done soooo much to improve the US economy. (<–…

Don’t Blink: Baby Cured of Aids, Walmart Takes Over the US Budget & British Human Rights Problems

A few stories that caught my eye this weekend: After early treatment a two year old, born with AIDS, in Mississippi has been cured. It’s too bad that Mississippi doesn’t believe in science. Obama’s new budget chief is coming from Wal Mart, because Wal Mart has done soooo much to improve the US economy. (<–…

Don’t Blink: News Roundup for December 30

In the information age we are inundated by news and trivia, Don’t Blink is a regular featured designed to hilight a whole bunch of stories you may have missed in a relatively small amount of space. Canada: In Canada this week the news largely focused on Chief Theresa Spence and mounting pressure on PM Stephen…

Don’t Blink: News Roundup for December 30

In the information age we are inundated by news and trivia, Don’t Blink is a regular featured designed to hilight a whole bunch of stories you may have missed in a relatively small amount of space. Canada: In Canada this week the news largely focused on Chief Theresa Spence and mounting pressure on PM Stephen…