Don’t Blink: Potential Pope and the Mafia, the CIA in Iraq and Babies are Bad People

Some stories that I thought were worth reading in the last few days: The front runner to become the new pope may have mafia ties. The CIA has apparently stepped up operations in Iraq. A new report in the UK says that rape investigations are hindered by the belief that false accusations are common. The Los Angeles…

Don’t Blink: Potential Pope and the Mafia, the CIA in Iraq and Babies are Bad People

Some stories that I thought were worth reading in the last few days: The front runner to become the new pope may have mafia ties. The CIA has apparently stepped up operations in Iraq. A new report in the UK says that rape investigations are hindered by the belief that false accusations are common. The Los Angeles…

Don’t Blink: Forced Marriage, Slavery in the UK, Co2 Rises Again and Bees Kill HIV

Some stories from this weekend: A new poll says that, with Justin Trudeau as leader, the Liberals could win the next election by a wide margin. According to a UK survey, 39 thousand girls are forced into marriage daily worldwide. Kenya’s newly elected President Uhuru Kenyatta is due to stand trial for war crimes. 2012…

Don’t Blink: Forced Marriage, Slavery in the UK, Co2 Rises Again and Bees Kill HIV

Some stories from this weekend: A new poll says that, with Justin Trudeau as leader, the Liberals could win the next election by a wide margin. According to a UK survey, 39 thousand girls are forced into marriage daily worldwide. Kenya’s newly elected President Uhuru Kenyatta is due to stand trial for war crimes. 2012…

Don’t Blink: Petraeus Linked to Torture, 1 Million Syrian Refugees, Childhoods End and Arctic Camels

Some things I thought were worth clicking on today: Embattled General David Petraeus has been linked to torture centers in Iraq. There are now more than a million Syrian refugees. At a UN meeting on global illegal arms trading, Stephen Harper only wanted to talk about the rights of gun owners. The UN is mad…

Don’t Blink: Petraeus Linked to Torture, 1 Million Syrian Refugees, Childhoods End and Arctic Camels

Some things I thought were worth clicking on today: Embattled General David Petraeus has been linked to torture centers in Iraq. There are now more than a million Syrian refugees. At a UN meeting on global illegal arms trading, Stephen Harper only wanted to talk about the rights of gun owners. The UN is mad…

Don’t Blink: Hugo Chavez, the Keystone XL Pipeline, War, Telekinesis and Monkeys

Some things I read about today: R.I.P. Hugo Chavez and meet Chavez’s Successor Venezuela has also expelled the US embassy for espionage and attempting to destabilize the country. the BBC’s Johnathan Marcus asks if it’s still possible to ‘win’ a war. the UN has asked the United States and UK to release secret reports on torture.…

Don’t Blink: Hugo Chavez, the Keystone XL Pipeline, War, Telekinesis and Monkeys

Some things I read about today: R.I.P. Hugo Chavez and meet Chavez’s Successor Venezuela has also expelled the US embassy for espionage and attempting to destabilize the country. the BBC’s Johnathan Marcus asks if it’s still possible to ‘win’ a war. the UN has asked the United States and UK to release secret reports on torture.…

Don’t Blink: Volcanos Reduce Global Warming, Pirate Bay Moves to N. Korea and Segregated Buses in Israel

Some things I read about today: Canada is in trouble with the United Nations over poverty again. Israel has introduced a segregated bus system after complaints from settlers. Election day in Kenya has been marred by violence. Two former finance bureaucrats have accused the Stephen Harper’s Tories of damaging the “integrity and credibility” of the…

Don’t Blink: Volcanos Reduce Global Warming, Pirate Bay Moves to N. Korea and Segregated Buses in Israel

Some things I read about today: Canada is in trouble with the United Nations over poverty again. Israel has introduced a segregated bus system after complaints from settlers. Election day in Kenya has been marred by violence. Two former finance bureaucrats have accused the Stephen Harper’s Tories of damaging the “integrity and credibility” of the…