Can formalizing the stalemate cool things down in North Korea?

Let me say right off the bat that I am not an expert on foreign policy so I could be way off base here but it seems to me that there are three possibilities for the current standoff between the United States and North Korea. 1) At some point, there is a war between the…

Don’t Blink: Volcanos Reduce Global Warming, Pirate Bay Moves to N. Korea and Segregated Buses in Israel

Some things I read about today: Canada is in trouble with the United Nations over poverty again. Israel has introduced a segregated bus system after complaints from settlers. Election day in Kenya has been marred by violence. Two former finance bureaucrats have accused the Stephen Harper’s Tories of damaging the “integrity and credibility” of the…

Don’t Blink: Volcanos Reduce Global Warming, Pirate Bay Moves to N. Korea and Segregated Buses in Israel

Some things I read about today: Canada is in trouble with the United Nations over poverty again. Israel has introduced a segregated bus system after complaints from settlers. Election day in Kenya has been marred by violence. Two former finance bureaucrats have accused the Stephen Harper’s Tories of damaging the “integrity and credibility” of the…