Category: Progressive Politics

  • If the left wants to win the big fights, we need to step up our game

    Photo credit: gabrielsaldana via VisualHunt / CC BY-SA As a dual citizen of the United States and Canada I’ve had the opportunity to participate in and observe both political systems. One of the things that I’ve found as a constant in both countries, and in the UK as well from what I’ve observed, is that…

  • Am I still a “progressive”? It depends on who you ask

    I have always considered myself to be “progressive” but, over the last few years, I’ve become uncomfortable with the term. I am certainly in favour of progress but many “progressives” seem to have fashioned it into a hard and fast dogma from which there is no room for variation. Because human knowledge and circumstances are…

  • How Science, Technology, Science Fiction and Progressive Politics are All Related

    If you read this blog regularly, or follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably noticed that science, science fiction and progressive politics are regular topics. To me though these are not unrelated topics. Good science fiction is based on science. Science is what separates science fiction (Star Trek) from fantasy (Lord of the Rings). Fantasy, like religion, relies on magic….