Category: film

  • Why science needs its own version of the Academy Awards

    Science already has awards, lots and lots of them. The problem is that, despite the fact that science and technology have a far deeper impact on people’s daily lives than anything that comes out of Hollywood, most people don’t know about or care about science awards. However, that is not entirely the fault of the…

  • Watch the 20 minute demo film that eventually became ‘This Is Spinal Tap’

    When ‘Spinal Tap’ came out in 1984, many didn’t understand what they were watching. Rob Reiner was still ‘Meathead’ from All in the Family in the minds of most of the movie going public. So ‘Meathead’ had made a documentary about a ridiculous band that no one had ever heard of. Those people had obviously…

  • The 100 Most Iconic Shots of All Time

      This quick, 5 minute, video from CineFix crams together a ton of great cinema. It also establishes the value of the defining shot. These shots, many of which are only a few seconds long, don’t tell the story of the films they are from. However, for people who have seen the film, they define what…

  • Growing up with Robin Williams

    Normally, when someone famous dies I have a tendency to go dark and simply let the wave of Tweets and Facebook posts pass. After all, whether I was a fan of the person or not, I didn’t really know them and feel that I should leave the eulogies to those who did. This time it’s…

  • First trailer for the Hobbit: the Battle of Five Armies

    If you’re like me, you’re going to see this … one way or another. The Lord of the Rings was brilliant, all the way through. I’m even looking forward to seeing the ‘extended cut’. The Hobbit so far has been completely meh but having seen the first two parts, might as well see it through,…

  • If this trailer is true, Mad Max will be better than ever

    Trailers can lie, anyone with any talent as an editor should be able to cobble together a few minutes of footage from a two hour movie and make it look like it’s gonna be good. With that said though, if Mad Max: Fury Road (IMDB) is half as good as this trailer makes it look,…

  • Quick Film School : A history of film in under 9 minutes

    If you are interested in learning about the history of film but have a short attention span or if you’re sitting outside one of your first year film school classes waiting for a test, this short video from Cinefix will give you the quick and dirty history of film, from 65 CE until now in…

  • How to do Monty Python style animations with Terry Gilliam (video)

    There was nothing more distinctive about the look of Monty Python’s flying circus than the animations of Terry Gilliam. Before going on to direct films like Time Bandits, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 12 Monkeys and the Zero Therum, Gilliam was a member of and did the animations for Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Unlike…

  • Art House Super Hero Movies: If Ingmar Bergman directed “the Flash”

    American blockbuster super hero movies may be a bit over the top, but there it could be worse. Here is YouTube user Patrick (H) Willems‘ take on Ingmar Bergman doing the Flash. For the sake of comparison, you can check out this 5 minute extended trailer for the CW show ‘the Flash‘, coming this fall….

  • Aaron Swartz documentary “the Internet’s Own Boy” is now free to stream or download

    For those with short memories, or who were living under a rock at the time hacktavist, writer, organizer and programmer Aaron Swartz died in January, 2013. At the time of his death, which was ruled a suicide though no note was found, was facing “two counts of wire fraud and 11 violations of the Computer…