Category: film

  • Goodnight Darth Vader: the latest children’s title from Jeffrey Brown

    I learned this year that watching Star Wars on Father’s Day is becoming a thing, because of the whole Vader being Luke & Lea’s father thing. (It appears that decades later people are still in shock about that one.) Personally, as a father, I don’t get it. Darth Vader was responsible for untold thousands of…

  • Watch the hilarious Mel Brookseque short ‘the Gunfighter’ narrated by Nick Offerman

    Nick Offerman of Parks & Rec stars, as the narrator, in this tale of western … well sex mostly. It examines the question of what might happen if everyone could hear the all knowing narrator. The Gunfighter was directed by Eric Kissack (Brüno, Role Models), written by Eric Kissack and stars Shawn Parsons as the…

  • Someone mashed up Star Wars to look like the Guardians of the Galaxy trailers (video)

    Making trailers is an art in it’s own right. Yes, Guardians of the Galaxy looks awesome but this trailer, made from the first 3 Star Wars movies by ‘the Unusual Suspect‘, instantly makes me want to go watch those again too. Here, in case you haven’t seen them are the trailers for Guardians of the…

  • My Ghostbusters 3 Pitch

    I loved Ghostbusters, it was one of the funniest films ever made. Ghostbusters II was ok. It wasn’t close to the original, but it was ok. Ghostbusters III has been a rumor for nearly two decades. The big problem with Ghostbusters 3 is that Dan Aykroyd is the only person still pushing for it. Bill…

  • Watch Tim Burton’s ‘Hansel and Gretel’ made for Disney in 1982

    Tim Burton’s Hansel and Gretel was a half-hour short produced for the then fledgling Disney Channel. It was filmed on 16mm with a budget of $100,000. Although it has been included in Burton art exhibits, it was only aired once on Halloween in 1983. Burton took the original Grimm fairy tale and made it Japanese,…

  • First animated version of the Hobbit (1966)

    As a child, long before Peter Jackson got ahold of the franchise, I loved the Rankin & Bass versions of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. What I did not know until today, was that there was a version of the Hobbit 11 years older than Rankin & Bass – at least, sort…

  • Help Kickstart this Indiana Jones “fan film” starring Timothy Omundson and Simone Bailly

    When I say “fan film” you probably think of a story written by a teenager where Harry Potter teams up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer or maybe a group of people who play Star Trek  and record it. That is not what this is. Army of the Lost Horizon is described as a “love letter to…

  • They Might Be Giants – Star Wars mashup (video)

    Fingertips is an odd little song. It was buried at the end of 1992’s “Apollo 18” album. If you played the CD straight through it was an odd collection of choruses – which sounded like parts of 21 different songs crammed together. According to TMBG’s John Linnell that’s exactly what it was: “The project was…

  • Annotated Star Wars blends the scenes with their influences (Video)

    Last week a CineFix Video provided a little film history to show how Star Wars got its creative start in Japan in 1910. Now, this video from Michael Heilemann, an interface director at Squarespace, goes above and beyond, mashing up scenes from Star Wars with the films that inspired them. According to FirstShowing, Heilman is…

  • CineFix explains the origin of Star Wars starting in 1910 Japan

    What do silent films in Japan, World War II, Westerns, America’s move the suburbs, the end of the film studio monopolies, an auto racing accident and Samurai have to do with Star Wars? If you don’t know – watch this history lesson from CineFix. (All of this without even getting into Joseph Campbell’s work on…