Category: film

  • What if David Lynch had directed ‘Return of the Jedi’ (video)

    According to legend (and an MTV interview from sometime in the 80s) George Lucas asked David Lynch if he was interested in directing “Return of the Jedi”. According to Lynch he immediately said no. However, thanks to YouTuber C-SPIT we now have an idea what a David Lynch Star Wars film might have looked like:

  • New series on making movies from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

    There are plenty of books, web sites and even documentaries devoted to the art and science of filmmaking – the new web series from Academy Originals though promises to be one of the best. As the name implies the series comes from the people who bring you the Academy Awards. The new web series promises…

  • May the Forth Roundup – Happy Star Wars Day

    There is an official JJ Abrams ‘Star Wars Day’ greeting out there but I can’t really get very interested in that. So far, with me at least, Abrams has no credibility. His TV series have mostly been good concepts poorly executed and his butchery of Star Trek borders on the inexcusable. I have misgivings about…

  • If Wes Anderson directed a porno [video]

    Wes Anderson has a very distinctive style of filmmaking. He also has a very distinctive color palate and some very distinctive shots he likes to use (not to mention a particular group of actors who he likes to work with). If you missed it, this mini-doc does a great job of detailing most of the…

  • Watch the 2012 short ‘Peter’ which imagines the Peter Pan origin story

    Today Geeks are Sexy posted the 2012 short ‘Peter‘. The film was written and directed by Nicolas Duval, based on a graphic novel by Regis Loisel. Unfortunately it feels like the film cuts out just as it is getting started, as if the filmmaker had wanted to do a feature and found himself with the…

  • Can you make a movie so bad it’s good on purpose?

    PBS Idea Channel host Mike Rugnetta argues that you can’t make a movie in the ‘so bad it’s good’ category on purpose. Personally, I think his definition is interesting but a bit too broad. Certainly there are classic film in this category and none of the classics were made that way on purpose. But a film…

  • The 80s Anime Version of Harry Potter

    There is currently a trilogy in the works based on ‘Magical Beasts and Where to Find Them‘, which is a book of about 40 pages. I think though, if they wanted to, they could just go ahead and reboot the original. Sure, it has only been three years since the second ‘Deathly Hallows’ movie but…

  • Mini-doc looks at the films and style of Wes Anderson

    A fantastic short doc, by Paul Waters of Brown Elephant, examining the work of Wes Anderson and the elements that give his films their particular style. I’m not an religious person at all, but since it’s Easter I’ll mention that I kinda want to see a Wes Anderson directed Jesus biopic with Bill Murray and Anjelica Houston as Mary…

  • Tom Selleck’s screen test for ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’

    Would Raiders have been Raiders without Harrison Ford? I kinda think it wouldn’t have. In 1981 when the film was originally released both Ford and Tom Selleck were relatively ‘new’ stars. Both had done a variety of projects but Ford was really known for Star Wars and Selleck for Magnum PI, which had premiered the…

  • Short video chronicles the evolution of film from 1878 to 2014 in 3 minutes

    This three minute montage from Scott Ewing is, itself, almost Oscar worthy. Scott should, at least, be considered for doing some of the montages that they like so much at the Oscar ceremonies. From the description on Vimeo: “This montage began as a labor of love and quickly became an obsession of mine. Many days…