Google and Facebook roll out new steps to fight fake news, Twitter does not

Fake news played a role in the outcome of Brexit and the US election. It is being used as a propaganda tool throughout Europe and promoters of fake news are attempting to influence the French election specifically. It is also being used in an attempt to influence elections in Africa and was recently blamed for a decline in…

I’m not leaving Facebook, but the way I use Facebook is going to change

Currently, people don’t see much of what is posted on Facebook. If you like a page and the owner posts something to that page, roughly 10% of the people who liked the page will ever see it. Not, that is, unless the page owner pays to promote it. YouTube and Google (through AdSense) share revenue…

Anti-social media is finally coming: Apps to help you hide from people

According to Scientific American it’s the “Greatest invention in human history”, apps that use GPS to help you hide from people, or at least avoid certain people: “The Cloak app, for example, collects location info from Instagram and Foursquare to let you know where your so-called “friends” are—so that you never have to see them.…

Why Facebook is not really “new media” anymore

In the old days, of old media, consumers options were limited, nothing was customizable or interactive, content producers held all the cards and becoming a content producer required large sums of money. In the 1980s and 90s you could record a few programs to watch later on your VCR, video on demand required a trip…

Facebook’s new gender options should be causing much more controversy

I’m all for Facebooks new gender options. As a monogamous, heterosexual male it is not that important to me personally, but I know that to a great many people it is very important. I’m glad that those people can now express who they are more fully. Beyond that, obvious, benefit though there are other advantages.…

Darth Vader’s Facebook Look Back Video

Artist Joshua Dill has snatched a copy of Darth Vader’s Facebook Look Back video to share with us. Personally I didn’t know that Vader was on Facebook and am disappointed that we’re not friends. I’m not above a little galactic domination on the weekends. If you missed it the first time, you should also check out Rob…

Rob Ford’s Facebook Look Back Video

Sure, Rob Ford has gone from a scary rageaholic to a sort-of sad, pathetic substance abusing rageaholic who doesn’t know when to quit. Facebook for its part has gone from a cool social media platform, to an annoying advertising platform. Now it is becoming a bit Fatal Attraction with it’s “hey you remember the good…

Is Facebook Secretly Working for Google +

Google+ didn’t really take off as rapidly as Google had hoped. Google+ is good, but generally it doesn’t do much that other social networks don’t already do. Recently, Google has begun to force the issue. They’ve started automatically setting up Google+ accounts for anyone who uses other Google Services, such as GMail and YouTube. At…

Is Facebook Secretly Working for Google +

Google+ didn’t really take off as rapidly as Google had hoped. Google+ is good, but generally it doesn’t do much that other social networks don’t already do. Recently, Google has begun to force the issue. They’ve started automatically setting up Google+ accounts for anyone who uses other Google Services, such as GMail and YouTube. At…