Category: Sci-Fi amp; Fantasy

  • Helix Season 2 teaser promo raises more questions than it answers

    SyFy posted the first real trailer for season 2 of Helix today. It’s clear that this one isn’t in the Arctic but we knew that from the end of season 1. The troubling bit is what, or who, isn’t in the trailer for season 2 – namely, the best characters from season 1. It’s a…

  • Relaxation & meditation recordings for nerds

    BBC 6’s Peter Serafinowicz created the Dalek Relaxation Tape for Humans (see below) as a bit of a joke, but somehow it fits. For most of my life I’ve seen the new-agey meditation and relaxation tapes and CDs. Things like “Songs up the Humpback Whale”, “Mountain Stream”, “Bird Songs”, “Thunderstorm” etc. At one point in…

  • Amazing, fan-made 1960s style Game of Thrones intro

    Game of Thrones imagined in other eras and other genres is almost a meme unto itself. There’s a 1980s style theme, the 1990s style intro, the Game of Thrones as Seinfeld video and a general Game of Thrones as sitcom video etc. I’ve included a selection of these below. However, the best of these so…

  • Doctor Who needs a show runner with a bit more imagination

    Peter Capaldi may be the best pure actor to ever take on the role of Doctor Who. I cannot think of a single film where I couldn’t find a role for him somewhere. He has shown a remarkable ability to take on a wide variety of roles and own them all. Stephen Moffat however is,…

  • Douglas Adams’ ‘Dirk Gently’ coming to US television

    I am simultaneously excited and skeptical. Douglas Adams is one of my favorite writers. For anyone who is unaware the late Mr. Adams, novelist and TV writer, wrote The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, as well as episodes of Doctor Who and Monty Python’s Flying Circus. I’m always happy when I hear that one…

  • An interview with the stars of BBC’s “Intruders”

    Intruders is one of the more intriguing new series this year, not least because it stars John Simm (Doctor Who, Life on Mars). It is based on Michael Marshall Smith’s novel of the same name and tells the story of a secret society devoted to, essentially, keeping people alive by putting them into other, existing…

  • First trailer for the Hobbit: the Battle of Five Armies

    If you’re like me, you’re going to see this … one way or another. The Lord of the Rings was brilliant, all the way through. I’m even looking forward to seeing the ‘extended cut’. The Hobbit so far has been completely meh but having seen the first two parts, might as well see it through,…

  • If this trailer is true, Mad Max will be better than ever

    Trailers can lie, anyone with any talent as an editor should be able to cobble together a few minutes of footage from a two hour movie and make it look like it’s gonna be good. With that said though, if Mad Max: Fury Road (IMDB) is half as good as this trailer makes it look,…

  • The Walking Dead Full Comic Con panel and Season 5 trailer

    Entering Season 5, the Walking Dead is looking for something to be about. In season 1 it was about the zombie apocalypse. In season 2 everyone hung out at a farm and talked about whether or not there was a god, also a child died. In season 3 the gang found a prison to take…

  • A ‘Evil Dead’ tv series is in the works, says Sam Raimi

    One of the quietest stories of the 2014 Comic Con was Sam Raimi’s offhand announcement that he is planning on drafting Bruce Campbell for an Evil Dead tv series. There were absolutely no other details provided but it doesn’t really matter. If Raimi is involved and Bruce Campbell is on board it’s great news for…