I’m not leaving Facebook, but the way I use Facebook is going to change

Currently, people don’t see much of what is posted on Facebook. If you like a page and the owner posts something to that page, roughly 10% of the people who liked the page will ever see it. Not, that is, unless the page owner pays to promote it. YouTube and Google (through AdSense) share revenue…

Why Facebook is not really “new media” anymore

In the old days, of old media, consumers options were limited, nothing was customizable or interactive, content producers held all the cards and becoming a content producer required large sums of money. In the 1980s and 90s you could record a few programs to watch later on your VCR, video on demand required a trip…

All Advertising Belongs to You : Banksy vs. Advertising [Image]

The quote on the image below is from Banksy. The author of the image itself is unknown. The long and short of it though is that all advertising that appears before you belongs to you. Carry art supplies with you, download a video and/or audio editor and feel free to modify, comment on, respond to…

Is Facebook Secretly Working for Google +

Google+ didn’t really take off as rapidly as Google had hoped. Google+ is good, but generally it doesn’t do much that other social networks don’t already do. Recently, Google has begun to force the issue. They’ve started automatically setting up Google+ accounts for anyone who uses other Google Services, such as GMail and YouTube. At…

Is Facebook Secretly Working for Google +

Google+ didn’t really take off as rapidly as Google had hoped. Google+ is good, but generally it doesn’t do much that other social networks don’t already do. Recently, Google has begun to force the issue. They’ve started automatically setting up Google+ accounts for anyone who uses other Google Services, such as GMail and YouTube. At…

App.Net promises social media free of advertising and spam (for $50 / year)

Would you pay $50/year for a service like Twitter or Facebook? Dalton Caldwell is betting that you will if it means no advertising, no spam accounts and more tools. Even if the ads don’t bother you, without them there is no reason to collect and store personal data – Via Technology Review: Caldwell thinks the…

App.Net promises social media free of advertising and spam (for $50 / year)

Would you pay $50/year for a service like Twitter or Facebook? Dalton Caldwell is betting that you will if it means no advertising, no spam accounts and more tools. Even if the ads don’t bother you, without them there is no reason to collect and store personal data – Via Technology Review: Caldwell thinks the…

Truth: Microsoft Does Not Innovate

Microsoft has pretty much built itself on ‘borrowing’ other people’s ideas, and then when possible patenting them and gaining a monopoly. Here are few small examples but the internet is rife with examples, just Google it. Perahaps nothing more is needed to understand Mircosoft than their new ad campaign. Microsoft Oscar Nominated Short by Josh…

Truth: Sirius Doesn’t Think Much of You, or of Canadian Artists

Sirius Canada says that they want you to ‘discover music again’ in their ad. But the Truth is that Sirius doesn’t trust you to discover music on your own, or to choose your own radio stations. They, apparently, don’t think enough of Canadian music to think that it can survive if you have other options.…