Our founder’s new project: Toronto Public Broadcasting

Some of you will remember the founder of the original parent website of this blog, Justin Beach. He hasn’t gone away completely, but has been keeping busy with a number of different projects, including the launching of a web-based public broadcasting operation focused on the city of Toronto. For details: http://torontopb.blogspot.ca/2012/05/introducing-toronto-public-broadcasting.html

The Hockey54 Show

Episode 62 of This Is Toronto is now available! This latest edition follows up with Hockey54.com. The Toronto-based website is preparing for the debut of The Hockey54 show, which will air on an all-sports radio station in (of all places) Nashville, Tenn. www.thisistorontopodcast.blogspot.com NEXT EPISODE: Oct. 21, 2011

Revisiting CKLN (Part two)

Episode 52 of This Is Toronto is now available! This latest edition is part two of a two-part series that revisits CKLN. The Ryerson-based station was forced to vacate 88.1FM, but will still broadcast online. www.thisistorontopodcast.blogspot.com NEXT EPISODE: June 3, 2011

Revisiting CKLN

Episode 51 of This Is Toronto is now available! This latest edition is part one of a two-part series that revisits CKLN. The Ryerson-based station was forced to vacate 88.1 FM, but is still broadcasting online. www.thisistorontopodcast.blogspot.com NEXT EPISODE: May 20, 2011

Explosive growth in Internet Radio and Digital Media

A new study from Edison Research shows amazing levels of growth in internet radio specifically and digital media in general. These stats are for the United States, not Canada, but until someone does a similar study for Canada (which tends to be more digital friendly anyway) it is useful as an approximate yardstick. For example:…

What Does Internet Radio Mean: Technological Implications for the Larger Media

I have written a couple of times now about the arrival of internet radio: The devices that look like old school radios and use a wi-fi connection to deliver tens of thousands of radio stations from around the world. Similar solutions are hitting the streets for iPhones and other portable devices. The arrival of internet…

Truth: Sirius Doesn’t Think Much of You, or of Canadian Artists

Sirius Canada says that they want you to ‘discover music again’ in their ad. But the Truth is that Sirius doesn’t trust you to discover music on your own, or to choose your own radio stations. They, apparently, don’t think enough of Canadian music to think that it can survive if you have other options.…

CKLU Adds Deep Archives

I just got word via Nathan Lawr’s Weird Waves group on Facebook that CKLU in Sudbury has added a one month archive to their website. When you visit http://ckluradio.laurentian.ca/index.php#2009-01-08 you can enter the day and times you are interested in hearing and then have the option of downloading the audio or listening to it online…