Category: DIY

  • How to do Monty Python style animations with Terry Gilliam (video)

    There was nothing more distinctive about the look of Monty Python’s flying circus than the animations of Terry Gilliam. Before going on to direct films like Time Bandits, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 12 Monkeys and the Zero Therum, Gilliam was a member of and did the animations for Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Unlike…

  • DIY $8 low-energy, portable air conditioner

    Welcome to summer (if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere anyway)! Here’s a quick video on how to make an easy, portable air conditioner – which only uses as much energy as an electric fan. The basic principle is pretty simple: Waterproof box, vent holes, ice, electric fan – a quick search of Google will give…

  • Make a mini-crossbow with a bottle cap and popsicle sticks

    Want to be like Darryl Dixon in the Walking Dead? Only in this case it would be for smaller zombies … like maybe zombie mice or spiders? This short video from Dave Hax will teach you to make your own crossbow with tiny little bolts but strong enough to pierce a cardboard box (for all of…

  • Soon You’ll Be Able to do Genetic Engineering at Home!

    A new Kickstarter project says that it’s high time for your to do some genetic engineering of your own. This basic kit just does one thing. It allows even a beginner to grow a plant that combines a mustard flower with jellyfish DNA. But, according to io9 this is just the very beginning: “What’s amazing is all…

  • Soon You’ll Be Able to do Genetic Engineering at Home!

    A new Kickstarter project says that it’s high time for your to do some genetic engineering of your own. This basic kit just does one thing. It allows even a beginner to grow a plant that combines a mustard flower with jellyfish DNA. But, according to io9 this is just the very beginning: “What’s amazing is all…

  • Our founder’s new project: Toronto Public Broadcasting

    Some of you will remember the founder of the original parent website of this blog, Justin Beach. He hasn’t gone away completely, but has been keeping busy with a number of different projects, including the launching of a web-based public broadcasting operation focused on the city of Toronto. For details:

  • Montreal, Vancouver and How-To sections added

    I’ve been busy working on the site today. There are new aggregators for Vancouver and Montreal (I’m looking at other cities and more will follow at some point). There is also a new How To section, fairly small for now but it will grow and will be dedicated to tutorials on how to…all kinds of…

  • Free Online DIY workshops

    While writing the last little bit about Casey McKinnon and Rudy Jahchan I was reminded of a PodCamp Toronto – where I took a few workshops with them. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, you can too. All (I think) of the workshops from Podcamp Toronto are still available through it’s Wiki: Topics…