First original series to be released exclusively on BitTorrent in 2015

Old media continues to press ahead with old strategies. Governments are being lobbied to reduce privacy and increase penalties for piracy, Google is being lobbied to degrade the search rankings of “infringing” sites and people are being sued for illegal downloads. Meanwhile, new media continues to press ahead with new models and find new audiences.…

Suggested Reading: “Are we living in a golden age for journalism? That depends on how you define gold”

There are many people at newspapers and other ‘old media’ who would have you believe that we are witnessing the death of journalism. What they mean, usually, is that the newspapers and other forms of traditional media are in trouble. At the same time we have access to more information from more parts of the…

On the Dangers of Walled Gardens and Locked Gates

Steve Pratt of CBC Radio 3 has an excellent post on ‘walled gardens’ vs Setting your content free (which is an old topic/rule but still totally relevant.) Canadian media companies, from my point of view anyway, still haven’t fully grasped the concept, or they are still very resistant to it. You should definitely read Steve’s…

A Few Random Thoughts on the Shifting Media Landscape

Still working on creating the forum for that Future of Media discussion group. But since these issues have been in the news alot lately I felt the urge to throw out a few thoughts on what is going on in media triggered by recent coverage and observations. Some of these things I’ve said before but…

Future of Media: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (apparently)

So I threw the idea out there about creating a forum for creatives, artists, content creators, journalists, media management folk, tech people and consumers to come together and chat about the things that need to be talked about. Namely how do we make it all work? How do we create a system that meets consumers…

The Future of Media?

After yesterday’s decision to create the Canadian Media Fund I’ve decided to set up a discussion group on the future of media. The current models, TV, radio, newspapers etc., seem to be broken. The CBC is cutting back annually, local stations are going away, newspapers are laying off and folding and most internet financial models…

Is Mass Media Coming to an End?

These are desperate times in media generally. Layoffs, cut backs in service, and even closing the doors altogether are regular daily occurrences. Today the Conservative government, in the first indication that anyone in Ottawa understands what is going on in media combined the Canadian Television Fund and the Canadian New Media Fund into the Canadian…

Truth: Sirius Doesn’t Think Much of You, or of Canadian Artists

Sirius Canada says that they want you to ‘discover music again’ in their ad. But the Truth is that Sirius doesn’t trust you to discover music on your own, or to choose your own radio stations. They, apparently, don’t think enough of Canadian music to think that it can survive if you have other options.…