Category: comedy

  • Growing up with Robin Williams

    Normally, when someone famous dies I have a tendency to go dark and simply let the wave of Tweets and Facebook posts pass. After all, whether I was a fan of the person or not, I didn’t really know them and feel that I should leave the eulogies to those who did. This time it’s…

  • Watch 1980s Japanese Doctor Who

    This clip was uploaded to YouTube by lepoissonriuge on July 7. The short description reads “Found a clip on old video tape 1970’s? 80’s?…like a Japanese version Doctor Who. Anyone?” The thing is that no one seems to know if it’s real. There is no mention on the internets of a 1970s or 80s Japanese Doctor…

  • Art House Super Hero Movies: If Ingmar Bergman directed “the Flash”

    American blockbuster super hero movies may be a bit over the top, but there it could be worse. Here is YouTube user Patrick (H) Willems‘ take on Ingmar Bergman doing the Flash. For the sake of comparison, you can check out this 5 minute extended trailer for the CW show ‘the Flash‘, coming this fall….

  • You won’t believe how mind blowing this video about clickbait is!

    As someone who writes for what I, increasingly inaccurately, refer to as a ‘living’ I understand the temptations of clickbait, but try very hard not to engage in the practice – no matter how ‘Upworthy’ I believe a story may be. What I find even more disturbing is a recent trend to sensationalize headlines to…

  • What if a British football team hired an American football coach? (Video)

    I’m not a sports fan. I don’t care about football – not American football, or the sport the rest of the world calls football (or even the sport the Australians call football). I will however admit that, although FIFA is an entirely evil organization, the sport that the rest of the world calls football is…

  • Watch the hilarious Mel Brookseque short ‘the Gunfighter’ narrated by Nick Offerman

    Nick Offerman of Parks & Rec stars, as the narrator, in this tale of western … well sex mostly. It examines the question of what might happen if everyone could hear the all knowing narrator. The Gunfighter was directed by Eric Kissack (Brüno, Role Models), written by Eric Kissack and stars Shawn Parsons as the…

  • If Wes Anderson directed a porno [video]

    Wes Anderson has a very distinctive style of filmmaking. He also has a very distinctive color palate and some very distinctive shots he likes to use (not to mention a particular group of actors who he likes to work with). If you missed it, this mini-doc does a great job of detailing most of the…

  • Final Monty Python show ever, to be broadcast live to theaters worldwide

    On Sunday, July 20 the remaining members of Monty Python will perform what will have to be their final show ever, really this time. John Cleese is 75, Eric Idle is 71, Terry Gilliam is 74, Terry Jones is 72, Michael Palin is 71, Graham Chapman is 73 and has been suffering from a fairly…

  • Religion gets equal time: Watch “Creationist Cosmos”

    When Neil deGrasse Tyson rebooted Cosmos creationists, who don’t agree with basically any of it, cried fowl. They demanded equal time to explain their version of the universe and now they’ve got it. Watch as Jared, community outreach leader from the Creationist Baptist Church of Alabama explains absolutely everything you need to know about life,…

  • Tom Selleck’s screen test for ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’

    Would Raiders have been Raiders without Harrison Ford? I kinda think it wouldn’t have. In 1981 when the film was originally released both Ford and Tom Selleck were relatively ‘new’ stars. Both had done a variety of projects but Ford was really known for Star Wars and Selleck for Magnum PI, which had premiered the…