Category: Parody

  • Watch 1980s Japanese Doctor Who

    This clip was uploaded to YouTube by lepoissonriuge on July 7. The short description reads “Found a clip on old video tape 1970’s? 80’s?…like a Japanese version Doctor Who. Anyone?” The thing is that no one seems to know if it’s real. There is no mention on the internets of a 1970s or 80s Japanese Doctor…

  • Watch the original Star Wars parody “Hardware Wars”

    I remember, shortly after Star Wars came out everyone would rush to see anything even vaguely Star Wars related. It wasn’t long after the release of the original film, way before Spaceballs, that filmmaker Ernie Fosselius decided to do a parody entitled Hardware Wars. Like many things from the 1970s, it’s far cheesier than I…

  • Watch “Cosmos on Weed” from Nacho Punch

    Personally, I don’t know if weed would help. Personally when I consider that we are made of the fallout of collapsing stars and that we are descended from tiny microscopic organisms – that our ancestors managed to live long enough to procreate despite predators, harsh conditions and mass extinctions over millions of years and that…

  • What if David Lynch had directed ‘Return of the Jedi’ (video)

    According to legend (and an MTV interview from sometime in the 80s) George Lucas asked David Lynch if he was interested in directing “Return of the Jedi”. According to Lynch he immediately said no. However, thanks to YouTuber C-SPIT we now have an idea what a David Lynch Star Wars film might have looked like:

  • If Wes Anderson directed a porno [video]

    Wes Anderson has a very distinctive style of filmmaking. He also has a very distinctive color palate and some very distinctive shots he likes to use (not to mention a particular group of actors who he likes to work with). If you missed it, this mini-doc does a great job of detailing most of the…

  • Religion gets equal time: Watch “Creationist Cosmos”

    When Neil deGrasse Tyson rebooted Cosmos creationists, who don’t agree with basically any of it, cried fowl. They demanded equal time to explain their version of the universe and now they’ve got it. Watch as Jared, community outreach leader from the Creationist Baptist Church of Alabama explains absolutely everything you need to know about life,…

  • House of Thrones: When Frank Underwood goes to Westeros

    From Toasty TV a look at what happens when someone truly ruthless vies for the Throne.

  • Lucky the Leprechaun has his Lucky Charms stolen for the last f’in time!

    From the folks at Animation Domination High-Def, ‘Lucky’ has had enough of being bullied, beaten and having his breakfast stolen by unruly children and decides to strike back. Maybe in the sequel he’ll bring the Trix rabbit along.

  • Video: Community does True Detective

    Personally, I have no trouble understanding the dialogue on True Detective, but I’ve heard people complain about it. It could be that I was born and spent a good deal of time in Kansas. Joel McCale and Jim Rash seem to he in the “wtf did they say” camp though based on this clip from…

  • Jordan Belfort was a wimp compared to Star Trek TNG’s ‘Worf of Wall Street’

    Belfort may have ripped off people for millions, stashed the money in offshore accounts to avoid taxes and made it through the justice system with only a slap on the wrist for selling out his co-workers but he fought without honor. Besides who needs millions of dollars when you have a star ship, photon torpedoes,…