Category: Doctor Who

  • Torchwood coming back as a series of radio plays

    Torchwood was a show with amazing amounts of potential that no one ever made a sufficient commitment to. For those of you who somehow missed it: Torchwood was a spinoff from Doctor Who aimed at an older audience. If featured John Barrowman (currently on Arrow) as Captain Jack Harkness who let an ultra-secret group to…

  • Take a moment to read the messages on David Tennant’s desk in Gracepoint

    For a few glorious years David Tennant was the Doctor, probably the best actor to play the role (at least until Peter Capaldi came along). This year Tennant is on American television in Gracepoint, which is a remake of the UK drama Broadchurch (which also featured Tenant in the exact same role). In Gracpoint, Tennant…

  • Doctor Who needs a show runner with a bit more imagination

    Peter Capaldi may be the best pure actor to ever take on the role of Doctor Who. I cannot think of a single film where I couldn’t find a role for him somewhere. He has shown a remarkable ability to take on a wide variety of roles and own them all. Stephen Moffat however is,…

  • First full trailer for Doctor Who season 8

    I’ve said repeatedly since the announcement was made that I’m thrilled about Peter Capaldi taking over as the Doctor. Matt Smith, who played a 900 year old time lord as a spoiled child, was taxing to watch. Of course Stephen Moffat is still at the helm and his tenure as show runner has not gone…

  • Watch 1980s Japanese Doctor Who

    This clip was uploaded to YouTube by lepoissonriuge on July 7. The short description reads “Found a clip on old video tape 1970’s? 80’s?…like a Japanese version Doctor Who. Anyone?” The thing is that no one seems to know if it’s real. There is no mention on the internets of a 1970s or 80s Japanese Doctor…

  • Teaser for Doctor Who Season 8: Coming August 23

    I haven’t been this excited for a new season of Doctor Who since David Tennant left. Yes, Stephen Moffat is still at the wheel and he’s completely botched his run with the Doctor so far but Peter Capaldi is taking over the TARDIS. Capaldi may be the most qualified actor ever cast in the roll,…

  • Meet Weeping Angels up close in Doctor Who POV fan short “Stone”

    Have a first person encounter with this brilliantly scary short CGI film from John Smith who says: “After over 300 hours of rendering, it’s finally done! For future video updates, you can like me on Facebook at…. This is my first ever CG short film. It’s the culmination of about three months of work, from initial concept…

  • BBC’s four-part documentary The Real History of Science Fiction coming April 19

    On April 19, following the return of Orphan Black, BBC America will deliver the debut of a four-part documentary chronicling the history of Science Fiction in film, television and literature. In addition to chronicling the history of the genre the series will feature interviews with some of its best known names including William Shatner, Nathan…

  • Doctor Who’s Facebook Lookback Video

    The Facebook Lookback thing was really sorta terrible and the “meme” peaked a few days after it started with the Darth Vader Facebook Lookback but this one is pretty cool too, if only as a Doctor Who mashup vid.

  • If “Doctor Who Had Been American”

    By now you’ve probably seen the Buzzfeed post created by Jamie “Friendly Old Bum” Hooper titled What If “Doctor Who” Was American?. He has even done an amazing job of creating portraits for each of his would-be Doctors. If you haven’t seen it, you should have a look before you continue reading. Personally, I think…