Religion gets equal time: Watch “Creationist Cosmos”

When Neil deGrasse Tyson rebooted Cosmos creationists, who don’t agree with basically any of it, cried fowl. They demanded equal time to explain their version of the universe and now they’ve got it. Watch as Jared, community outreach leader from the Creationist Baptist Church of Alabama explains absolutely everything you need to know about life,…

Suggested Reading: “Why creationists can’t be scientists”

There is an excellent article on Salon that I’ve been trying to comment on for about 20 minutes. Sadly they’ve chosen to use Livefyre for comments so all I’ve done is battle with error messages. Regardless it is well worth a read. It begins with “Creationism is far from harmless — it’s a real threat to…

The Video of the Bill Nye #creationdebate for anyone who missed it.

Bill Nye the Science Guy gave it his all tonight. He laid out a passionate, fact filled and educational overview of the evidence for evolution by natural selection. Unfortunately he might as well have been arguing with a wall. When you try to argue with people for whom the Bible is the indisputable source of…

Video: The Difference Between Evolution and Natural Selection

A quick video from minutephysics that explains the difference between evolution and natural selection. It is important to understand the distinction between these two concepts. Those who argue that evolution isn’t real are not only wrong but they haven’t even taken the time to learn the basic vocabulary of science. To argue that evolution isn’t real is to…

Suggested Reading: Can Science Deliver the Benefits of Religion?

The centuries old battle between science and religion is continuing to heat up. With each passing year it is more clear, not only that, religious creation myths are wrong but even that classic religious texts are historically inaccurate. There is, for example, little to no evidence to back up the idea that there ever was…