Category: Cosmos

  • Why someone needs to make a “Cosmos” style show for emerging technology

    If you watched Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos reboot last year, or even the original with Carl Sagan you heard a lot about human curiosity. It is true that we’re a curious species with a deep desire to understand the world and the universe we live it. That curiosity, however, is not simply a love of…

  • What Season 2 of Cosmos Should Look Like

    All indications are that there won’t be a second season of Cosmos. Neil deGrasse Tyson has said that he’s not interested, the network doesn’t seem anxious to have another season and the original Carl Sagan Cosmos didn’t have a second season. Cosmos was never really intended to be an ongoing series. After all if, as…

  • Watch “Cosmos on Weed” from Nacho Punch

    Personally, I don’t know if weed would help. Personally when I consider that we are made of the fallout of collapsing stars and that we are descended from tiny microscopic organisms – that our ancestors managed to live long enough to procreate despite predators, harsh conditions and mass extinctions over millions of years and that…

  • Religion gets equal time: Watch “Creationist Cosmos”

    When Neil deGrasse Tyson rebooted Cosmos creationists, who don’t agree with basically any of it, cried fowl. They demanded equal time to explain their version of the universe and now they’ve got it. Watch as Jared, community outreach leader from the Creationist Baptist Church of Alabama explains absolutely everything you need to know about life,…

  • Bill Nye talks about taking Carl Sagan’s astronomy classes at Cornell

    Before Sagan was on Cosmos and Bill Nye was “the Science Guy”, Nye was a student of Sagan’s at Cornell University. As you’ll know if you watched Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos reboot, Sagan tried to recruit him for Cornell also. Tyson chose Harvard instead but other students of Sagan include David Morrison of the SETI…

  • Carl Sagan Explains Evolution in the Original Cosmos

    If you’ve been watching Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos: A Spacetime Journey then you’ve seen the wonderfully animated segments on Evolution. It was touched upon in the first episode and discussed in much more detail in the second. This video is the evolution segment from Carl Sagan’s original Cosmos. The animation is much less complex and…

  • Listen to Neil deGrasse Tyson’s interview with Inquiring Minds

    As someone who is a bit obsessive when it comes to politics and science, the Inquiring Minds Podcast is one of my favorites. Inquiring Minds looks at the science stories of the week, as well as the impact those stories might have on political issues. This week is particularly awesome because Neil deGrasse Tyson is…

  • Fox station in Oklahoma “accidentally” cuts human evolution from Cosmos premiere

    A poll on the New York Daily News website says that absolutely no one believes that it was an ‘accident’ but that is what Oklahoma’s Fox 25 is claiming. The station says that “operator error” is responsible for human evolution being absent from the premiere of Cosmos last Sunday night. As you will see on…

  • 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe (Video)

    People know a lot about our world and the universe now. It’s easy to look at the past and scoff at how much they didn’t know but, before we get too proud of ourselves it’s good to be reminded of some of the really important stuff we don’t know. Today Alltime10s has a new video…

  • Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Top 10 Reason’s To Love Science

    Celebrity astrophysicist and host of the upcoming Cosmos reboot Neil DeGrasse Tyson presents a top 10 reasons to love science list for Geek Week. While there is some awesome stuff on the list he doesn’t even mention things like 3D printing, artificial intelligence, NASA’s attempts to create a warp drive, the potential for medical science…