Category: animation

  • Amazing, fan-made 1960s style Game of Thrones intro

    Game of Thrones imagined in other eras and other genres is almost a meme unto itself. There’s a 1980s style theme, the 1990s style intro, the Game of Thrones as Seinfeld video and a general Game of Thrones as sitcom video etc. I’ve included a selection of these below. However, the best of these so…

  • Short video on how you, personally, are connected to the first life on Earth and the big bang

    Carl Sagan famously said that ‘we are all star stuff’. While that sounds nice there are a lot of people out there who don’t know what that really means. This short video from Kurzgesagt explains all of that – exactly what kind of star stuff you are and how you personally are came from the Big Bang…

  • How to do Monty Python style animations with Terry Gilliam (video)

    There was nothing more distinctive about the look of Monty Python’s flying circus than the animations of Terry Gilliam. Before going on to direct films like Time Bandits, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 12 Monkeys and the Zero Therum, Gilliam was a member of and did the animations for Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Unlike…

  • Short animation explains how your immune system works

    Ok, sure, your immune system puts the US Dept. of Homeland Security to shame. To be fair though, it did evolve over millions of years instead of being crammed together over a few months in a bill so large that no one actually read it. This 6 minute animation from Kurzgesagt explains just part of…

  • First animated version of the Hobbit (1966)

    As a child, long before Peter Jackson got ahold of the franchise, I loved the Rankin & Bass versions of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. What I did not know until today, was that there was a version of the Hobbit 11 years older than Rankin & Bass – at least, sort…

  • David Bowie explains the origins of Ziggy Stardust and more in a 1998 interview, animated by PBS

    The PBS animated series “Blank on Blank” has devoted their latest episode to a 1998 interview with David Bowie. In just over 5 minutes Bowie and music executive Joe Smith manage to cover a lot of ground including the rock and roll life style, the problems with fame (or the lack thereof), the origins of Ziggy…

  • Watch the 1971 PSA ‘Curious Alice’: The most pro-drug anti-drug film ever

    I’m quite sure that the first time the media convinces people not to use drugs it will be because some pot grower in Colorado or Washington says something stupid and prompts a Chick-Fil-A style backlash. To date there has never been a successful anti-drug media campaign. Some attempts such as ‘Reefer Madness‘, which accidentally became…

  • The 80s Anime Version of Harry Potter

    There is currently a trilogy in the works based on ‘Magical Beasts and Where to Find Them‘, which is a book of about 40 pages. I think though, if they wanted to, they could just go ahead and reboot the original. Sure, it has only been three years since the second ‘Deathly Hallows’ movie but…

  • Watch the 75th Anniversary Batman Short ‘Strange Days’

    Artist and writer Bruce Timm, the creator of Batman: the Animated Series, helped create Batman: Strange Days to honor the caped crusader’s 75th anniversary. Described as a “Lost tale from Batman’s past – the Dark Knight tracks a strange giant to the mysterious lair of Dr. Hugo Strange.” Get more info on the 75th anniversary from DC…

  • How big is the universe? [Video]

    There have been quote a few of these lately, not the least of which is Neil deGrasse Tyson’s revamped Cosmos. But this one from Liz at the Royal Observatory Greenwich is pretty good and, to tell the truth, I can’t get enough of them. For me, just trying to imagine the size, scale and age of the…