Category: animals

  • WTF Evolution?: My favorite Tumblr is a book now

    Truth be told, I don’t spend a whole lot of time on Tumblr but there are a few masterpieces that are worth keeping an eye on. One of my favorites is Mara Grunbaum’s “WTF Evolution?” which takes a regular look at some of evolution’s strangest and most perplexing creations. Now, in plenty of time for…

  • Can an arachnid reverse climate change?

    It has been incredibly difficult to do anything about climate change, in large part because no one wants to give anything up or pay more for anything. However, Americans may soon not have a choice in the matter thanks to a disease carrying tick. Most of efforts to reduce greenhouse gasses has, for obvious reasons,…

  • Drone footage of a humpback whale and her calf

    Drones get a bad rap. Yes, the kind with bombs are evil but pretty much anything “with bombs” is going to suck. However, they can be put to good use, capturing images that humans can’t. Take, for example, this footage of an active volcano or this plan for capturing images from the surface of Venus….

  • A real ‘Birds Eye View’ goes way beyond seeing things from up high [video]

    If you’ve ever heard people speak, you’ve probably heard the expression “bird’s eye view”. When people say this they generally mean a top down view, usually from a high place. As it turns out though the view from up high is the least interesting thing about the way birds see. Obviously birds have sharp vision…

  • Piipshow webcam features a trendy cafe, for birds

    Created by photographer Magne Klann and model maker Lars Aurtrade the Piipshow webcam ( – -) features a bird feeder in Norway that has been designed to look like a cafe. A number of birds visit regularly and the feeder is regularly robbed by squirrels. A who’s who of the cafe’s regular visitors can be found here (make sure you…

  • The dolphin to English translator has arrived!

    Just like Alexander Graham Bell saying “Mr. Watson–come here–I want to see you,” a dolphin has said “sargassum” (a type of seaweed) in a way that humans can understand. According to New Scientist: “I was like whoa! We have a match. I was stunned,” says Herzing, who is the director of the Wild Dolphin Project….

  • Video explains evolution and why there was no ‘first human’

    Biologist Joe Hanson of PBS Digital Studios It’s Okay To Be Smart explains why, when you look at evolution there really was no ‘first human’. In the simplest possible terms it is the idea that an ape didn’t just go into labor and give birth to a modern human. Evolution simply doesn’t go that quickly and most…

  • Is there life in the water that lies deep beneath the Earth?

    I’ve read several stories recently about the vast amounts of water that lie beneath the Earth’s surface. It is believed, by some, that there may be as much water beneath the surface of the Earth as there is on the surface. While this is interesting on its own, my question is: Is there life down…

  • Did you know that Meerkats are ticklish (video)

    Normally I skip over the “isn’t that cute” videos but a) it’s not another ____ing cat and b) don’t you want a meerkat at home now?? Via Laughing Squid (ironic I know but I don’t think squid are ticklish).

  • Video shows the amazing problem solving skills of Crows

    According to Popular Science, crows are “smarter than great apes and about on par with a 5-year-old child.” This video from the BBC is a small demonstration of that intelligence. The second video, also from the BBC, shows urban crows in Japan using cars as nutcrackers. The third video shows a crow using a plastic lid as…