Make a mini-crossbow with a bottle cap and popsicle sticks

Want to be like Darryl Dixon in the Walking Dead? Only in this case it would be for smaller zombies … like maybe zombie mice or spiders? This short video from Dave Hax will teach you to make your own crossbow with tiny little bolts but strong enough to pierce a cardboard box (for all of…

A dot matrix printer performs “Eye of the Tiger”

Any of you who’ve ever had the pleasure of using a dot-matrix printer know that this is a far better use for them than trying to produce documents. According to Laughing Squid this was done created by  MIDIDesaster who “converted an old dot matrix printer into a MIDI sound generator that can play up to 21 notes…

Only in L.A. – Darth Vader and Superman watch as man attacks police car

The audio isn’t very clear, but the man breaking into a police car with a pipe is reportedly yelling “I love Jesus”. Darth Vader, sensing a disturbance in the Force pretends to be busy examining his light saber. Superman is not in the shot initially, but is there after the police wrestle the man to…

A tight rope walk between two hot air balloons

Footage shot by Sebastien Montaz-Rosst of people trying to tightrope walk between two hot air balloons. According to the New York Daily News the tightrope walkers were wearing parachutes and hope to try to stunt again, hoping for a better outcome. Montaz-Rosst is a documentarian who’s website and Vimeo feed are packed with videos of…

Goat Simulator: Sorta Like Grand Theft Auto but Goats

According to Laughing Squid this was created by Armin Ibrisagic of developer Coffee Stain Studios for the recent Global Game Jam. The videos below are just Alpha play throughs but it looks pretty awesome. Hand-eye coordination aside, your success in the goat game would really depend on your ability to be an asshole.

How to open a bottle of wine with a shoe, instead of a corkscrew

As I write this it is 10 O’Clock EST on Saturday night so this will be incredibly useful for someone. It may not be you, but it could be someone you love. This handy video tells you how to open a bottle of wine using a shoe and a wall instead of a corkscrew. I…

Brides Throwing Cats is Your New Favorite Tumblr

Brilliant things do not have to be hard. A simple blog devoted to pictures of new brides throwing bouquets, but with the bouquets removed and replaced with cats is the winner of the coveted Best Tumblr Ever (for Today) award. From what I understand it has also been nominated for several Procrastination Awards. Here are more pictures…

A Velociraptor Is Turned Loose in a Japanese Office Building, Hilarity Ensues [Video]

For this amazing prank the creators found a mosquito tapped in amber, extracted a bit of dinosaur DNA from it and then created a velociraptor in a laboratory test tube. Ok, maybe that’s not what happened but it seems like a good way to do it .. I’ve seen it somewhere before. Anyway, watch this…