Category: video games

  • Crash Override Network offers assistance to victims of online threats & harassment

    The internet is a great place to share ideas and information. Unfortunately, it has also become a place for stalking, harassment and hate. People, especially young women, have become targets for individual acts of stalking and threats of violence that are sometimes carried out. In addition to individual acts, many have been subjected to organized…

  • EA introduces ‘Netflix for gaming’ for XBox One

    If you have a tablet, you can access your movies and TV shows through Netflix (or Hulu, Amazon, Yahoo etc) or your music through Spotify (Pandora, Rhapsody, Rdio etc.,). Cloud storage and streaming seems to be the future of everything. Now EA games is taking the first step toward an all access gaming library. According…

  • San Diego Five year old beats Microsoft’s XBox Live Security

    According to CNET, 5 year old Kristoffer Von Hassel’s parents recently noticed that he was playing games on the XBox that he wasn’t supposed to have access to. It turns out that Kristoffer had figured out that by hitting the space bar a few times and hitting enter, he could bypass Xbox live security. The…

  • 30th Anniversary Edition of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy text game

    Video games were not very advanced in 1984. RPGs and games with complex plot lines were generally text based. One of the greats was the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, given that the book was also text based it seemed a good fit. In 2004, for the 20th anniversary of the game, the BBC updated…

  • Sesame Street’s “Flappy Bert” beats Flappy Bird and its imitators.

    Today the Sesame Workshop introduced “Flappy Bert”, the latest and greatest of the many imitators of Flappy Bird. Players guide Bert, whose relationship with Ernie is the Muppets worst kept secret, as he is carried by a tiny bluebird through an 8 bit Sesame Street world. Bert laughs if you successfully guide him through a…

  • Goat Simulator: Sorta Like Grand Theft Auto but Goats

    According to Laughing Squid this was created by Armin Ibrisagic of developer Coffee Stain Studios for the recent Global Game Jam. The videos below are just Alpha play throughs but it looks pretty awesome. Hand-eye coordination aside, your success in the goat game would really depend on your ability to be an asshole.

  • Franz Kafka, the video game coming soon

    The Franz Kafka video game is exactly what you think / are afraid it might be, a video game based on the writings of Franz Kafka  .. so it should be Kafkaesque I suppose. Samantha Grossman at Time says “Good news for fans of alienation and deep inner turmoil: a video game based on the…

  • A video game where you play a cat and break your owner’s stuff

    Catlateral Damage is a first person video game that lets you experience what your cat does when you aren’t home. An alpha version of the game is available to play online, and the game is also seeking votes on Steam Greenlight. According to developer Chris Chung, the full version would give you additional levels and more stuff to break….

  • Play Vintage Video Games in Your Browser is, without a doubt, one of the best sites on the internet. The site currently holds 1,421,073 movie and video files, 1,757,038 audio recordings, 121,839 live music concerts, 5,444,949 text files and a searchable TV news archive. All of it is completely free and most is in the public domain. Somehow though, Archive keeps…

  • An A Capella Recording of Music from ‘Super Mario Brothers’

    YouTuber Max “Smooth McGroove” Gleason sings your favorite tunes from Super Mario brothers. If you’re really, really into it check out for info on how to replace the music in your favorite game. Check out Max’s YouTube channel for his renderings of music from Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter and others … [via Laughing Squid]