WTF Evolution?: My favorite Tumblr is a book now

Truth be told, I don’t spend a whole lot of time on Tumblr but there are a few masterpieces that are worth keeping an eye on. One of my favorites is Mara Grunbaum’s “WTF Evolution?” which takes a regular look at some of evolution’s strangest and most perplexing creations. Now, in plenty of time for…

Brides Throwing Cats is Your New Favorite Tumblr

Brilliant things do not have to be hard. A simple blog devoted to pictures of new brides throwing bouquets, but with the bouquets removed and replaced with cats is the winner of the coveted Best Tumblr Ever (for Today) award. From what I understand it has also been nominated for several Procrastination Awards. Here are more pictures…

Game of Thrones Meets Online Dating with Nice Guys of Westeros

Via io9 the Tumblr “Nice Guys of Westeros” is a spoof of both Game of Thrones and the “Nice Guys” of OK Cupid tumblr. (As a general rule, guys who tell you they are “nice” are not. Nice people, don’t need to put “nice” on their resume). More at

Game of Thrones Meets Online Dating with Nice Guys of Westeros

Via io9 the Tumblr “Nice Guys of Westeros” is a spoof of both Game of Thrones and the “Nice Guys” of OK Cupid tumblr. (As a general rule, guys who tell you they are “nice” are not. Nice people, don’t need to put “nice” on their resume). More at