Neil Degrasse Tyson’s Earth Day/Science March message (video)

Neil Degrasse Tyson posted this message to Facebook on April 19, calling it perhaps the most important words he’s ever spoken. That is somewhat shocking for scientist because all he said, in essence, was that ‘facts are true’. That, to me, is largely what today’s Science March is all about though. The United States and…

Neil deGrasse Tyson answers the question “Does the Universe Have a Purpose?” (animated by MinutePhysics)

We are inclined, as humans, to believe that we are special as a species and individually. People who are especially selfish are described as “thinking the universe revolves around them” but to varying degrees, humans think this way. We live constantly with our own perspective and from that perspective we appear to be pretty fracking…

The GMO industry should stop fighting labels and focus on public education

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have been around for a long time now. They were first introduced in the 1980s and since that time no significant evidence has emerged that they are harmful. Despite this, bans on GMOs and calls for labeling genetically modified products at the retail level continue to gain strength. Despite the fact…

Watch “Cosmos on Weed” from Nacho Punch

Personally, I don’t know if weed would help. Personally when I consider that we are made of the fallout of collapsing stars and that we are descended from tiny microscopic organisms – that our ancestors managed to live long enough to procreate despite predators, harsh conditions and mass extinctions over millions of years and that…

Religion gets equal time: Watch “Creationist Cosmos”

When Neil deGrasse Tyson rebooted Cosmos creationists, who don’t agree with basically any of it, cried fowl. They demanded equal time to explain their version of the universe and now they’ve got it. Watch as Jared, community outreach leader from the Creationist Baptist Church of Alabama explains absolutely everything you need to know about life,…

Video “Lies That Sci-Fi Movies Have Taught Us About Space”

Science fiction should more properly be called ‘science based fiction’. There is no magic in science fiction. There is no ‘god’ in science fiction, no ‘light’ magic and no ‘dark’ magic. If there is a ‘dragon’ in science fiction, it likely comes from a planet where large flying reptiles evolved. The science in science fiction…

Bill Nye talks about taking Carl Sagan’s astronomy classes at Cornell

Before Sagan was on Cosmos and Bill Nye was “the Science Guy”, Nye was a student of Sagan’s at Cornell University. As you’ll know if you watched Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos reboot, Sagan tried to recruit him for Cornell also. Tyson chose Harvard instead but other students of Sagan include David Morrison of the SETI…

Carl Sagan Explains Evolution in the Original Cosmos

If you’ve been watching Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos: A Spacetime Journey then you’ve seen the wonderfully animated segments on Evolution. It was touched upon in the first episode and discussed in much more detail in the second. This video is the evolution segment from Carl Sagan’s original Cosmos. The animation is much less complex and…

Listen to Neil deGrasse Tyson’s interview with Inquiring Minds

As someone who is a bit obsessive when it comes to politics and science, the Inquiring Minds Podcast is one of my favorites. Inquiring Minds looks at the science stories of the week, as well as the impact those stories might have on political issues. This week is particularly awesome because Neil deGrasse Tyson is…