Some random notes: Politics to Comics to Movies

I note an opinion piece in yesterday’s Toronto Star by James Travers on the present state of our democracy. I have some concerns of my own about some of the issues Travers raises, and it makes me happy to note the elements of constructive-minded hope he included in that article. If there’s anything we need…

Comics and Canada: the Gene Day Award

Some among you already know about the Joe Shuster Awards, our own counterparts to the like of the Harveys and Eisners south of the border. They’ve added a new category: the Gene Day Award for Canadian Self-Publishing. I refer you to the Shuster Awards’ own page on the subject in the second link above. What…

From Book Fairs to British Columbia

Crossposted from On the DEWLine: Well, It’s a bit of chaos at the moment. One of my extended family’s getting married this week, so I’m haring off to Vancouver Island to attend the ceremonies and whatnot. It’s a rare chance to actually do this without too much fiscal chaos, so I’m taking advantage of it.…

Free Copyright Comic Book

Thanks to Dr. Michael Geist for pointing this out: Appropriation Art a coalition of “over 600 artists, curators, directors, educators, writers, associations and organizations from the art sector. All have come together to express their concern over the state of copyright policy for artists and the future of ‘Appropriation Art’.” The coalition has put together…