Category: Art

  • What if we respected copyrights and patents but denied owners exclusive rights?

    Intellectual Property (IP) is, in 2019, what a gold mine was in 1918. Technology companies of all stripes, pharmaceutical companies, media companies, and many others live or die by their intellectual property. Because of this it has become a litigeious business. Companies constantly sue other companies and individuals for IP theft, patent infringement, copyright infringement…

  • Stunning time-lapse videos of Yosemite and the Aurora Borealis

    Is there anyone out there who doesn’t love a good time lapse video? Skies are especially good subjects because they usually seem to be holding still, or close to it, if you just look up but they aren’t and we aren’t. I found a couple of good ones this week. The first is from Laughing…

  • Check out these amazing time lapses from South Dakota, Wyoming, and Utah

    Huelux was shot by by Randy Halverson from April – November 2013 in South Datoka, Wyoming and Utah. The shots of everything from oncoming storms to the aurora borealis are gorgeous, and from places not particularly known for their scenery. On the YouTube page there are extensive notes describing the locations, equipment used and the…

  • “How to Pretend You Understand Art”

    A new video from Mr. Forthright gives you some handy tips on how to fake your way through a visit to an art gallery. It’s important to remember that many, perhaps most, of the people in the gallery with you are also faking it. The trick is either to actually understand art or to manage…

  • 35 Minute Water Color Version of Blade Runner

    This 35 minute version of Ridley Scott’s 1982 film Blade Runner was created by Swedish artist Anders Ramsell. Ramsell created 12,597 thin water color compositions roughly 1 .5 x 3 cm in size. Obviously the audio is the original sound from the film (Ramsell did not get Harrison Ford to re-voice it).

  • If You Think Creative Professions Are Safe From Automation, Think Again

    A recent article about robotic writers with artificial intelligence in Mashable was surprising, but not the part about automated writing. The surprising, and slightly scary, part was that the US Central Intelligence Agency has a venture capital division: “The CIA’s venture capital wing, In-Q-Tel, has invested an unknown amount in a company called Narrative Science,…

  • – Rainy Day Fun for Big People

    I probably should have found this sooner, but I didn’t. is just, exactly what it sounds like: Rainy day fun for bigger kids. There are Mad Men pages, political pages, NSFW pages, mazes, connect the dots and other activities. Get your crayons, safety scissors and glue stick ready and have fun (a printer would…

  • – Rainy Day Fun for Big People

    I probably should have found this sooner, but I didn’t. is just, exactly what it sounds like: Rainy day fun for bigger kids. There are Mad Men pages, political pages, NSFW pages, mazes, connect the dots and other activities. Get your crayons, safety scissors and glue stick ready and have fun (a printer would…

  • Tumbling Into Light

    Episode 65 of This Is Toronto is now available. This final edition features TUMBLING INTO LIGHT, a multidisciplinary performance that examines the journey through darkness.

  • Passionate Playgoer (Part two)

    Episode 58 of This Is Toronto is now available! This latest edition is the final part of a two-part series featuring theatre critic Lynn Slotkin. www.thisistorontopodcast.blogs​ Next Episode: Aug. 26, 2011