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Is there anyone out there who doesn’t love a good time lapse video? Skies are especially good subjects because they usually seem to be holding still, or close to it, if you just look up but they aren’t and we aren’t.

I found a couple of good ones this week. The first is from Laughing Squid and shows the Aurora Borealis above Alberta. It was shot by Richard Gottardo who also organizes  Aurora Borealis photo tours through his company Experience Aurora.

The second is from Geeks are Sexy and Project Yosemite “A 200+ mile backpacking experience through Yosemite National Park captured by Colin Delehanty and Sheldon Neill. This project was filmed over the course of 10 months. We spent a combined 45 days in the park capturing the images in this video.”

Northern Lights – Feb 19 & 20, 2014 from Richard Gottardo on Vimeo.

Yosemite HD II from Project Yosemite on Vimeo.