I finally agreed to start contributing to the house weblog of publicbroadcasting.ca this past month. It was something that I’d put off for several years for reasons I won’t get into here, but most of them were simply matters of time management on my part. In the process, I ended up simply posting my earlier rant on rogue car drivers without so much as a self-introduction. So, to correct that mistake, here’s a quick and dirty self-explanation.

My name is Dwight Williams. I live in the Ottawa-Gatineau region, trying to earn a living through jobs in several fields ranging from general office work to writing to illustration. That last has been my ambition since childhood and I’ve been published several times as an artist in recent years. Courtroom art, op-ed cartoons for local weekly newspapers, and most recently, two comic book projects with varying degrees of success.

My current comics project is a mini-series called Local Hero, written by Ian Gould of Australia, one of that nation’s comics retailers. It’s a mix of superheroics and police drama set in the not-so-rural backwaters of Florida, and I like what I’m doing for that.

I’ve been involved with PB.ca almost from the beginning, having designed the logo that decorates every page of this site and I serve as the part-time manager for the spin-off Google Group, Comics and Animation Canada. Despite its name, it is not a federal department or agency and we don’t plan to ever misrepresent it as such. I hope that everyone with an interest in Canadian-created/published comics and animation will make a point of dropping in and joining the fun.

I’ll be dropping in from time to time here to post on whatever subject seems appropriate. Meantime, you can check out my own weblog, which links to a few other sites you might find worth some time to explore.

Thank you, Justin, for the invite and your patience in waiting for me to make up my mind.