Watch ‘The Blade Runner Holiday Special’

How many Holiday specials can boast ‘Chuck Norris as Jesus’? Only one as far as I know, this one the Blade Runner Holiday Special from Nerdist. It doesn’t just have Jesus, it has everything you expect in a holiday special; Santa, elves, snow and killer replicants battling to stay alive in a dystopian future.

35 Minute Water Color Version of Blade Runner

This 35 minute version of Ridley Scott’s 1982 film Blade Runner was created by Swedish artist Anders Ramsell. Ramsell created 12,597 thin water color compositions roughly 1 .5 x 3 cm in size. Obviously the audio is the original sound from the film (Ramsell did not get Harrison Ford to re-voice it).

Bladerunner in 60 Seconds (video)

The latest masterpiece from 1A4 Studio who have previously done 60 second versions of Star Wars: A New Hope, Aliens, the Matrix and more. Now you can watch Blade Runner during the commercial break of a different show and without all that annoying dialogue and color! [via Blastr]