Remember the 1970s Planet of the Apes cartoon? (Video)

So far I’m loving the Planet of the Apes reboot. It also makes me nostalgic however. When I was very young, in the 1970s, the original movies were wildly popular – so much so that they inspired a short lived animated series and a one season live action series. The live action series, Planet of…

Almost Human should get a season 2

Over at Slate, Nell McShane Wulfhart posted an article on why Almost Human deserves a second season. The primary point of the article is that “It’s got some of the best futuristic tech on television today.” Wulfhart talks about some of these technologies including 3D printers, robots, drones and various medical technologies. To tell the truth I…

Future plans for Game of Thrones series laid out in Vanity Fair article

A Vanity Fair article in which contributing editor Jim Windolf talks to George R. R. Martin and others involved in the show will hit newsstands on Thursday. The article posted today, however, contains some troubling quotes which make me wonder what else might be in that article. For example, George RR Martin admits that the…

If 10 seasons wasn’t enough, the “Infinite Friends” script generator has you covered

As formulaic as it became, some people just never, ever got tired of “Friends“. Fortunately, in large part because it was formulaic the Infinite Friends Machine can now generate as many friends scripts as you would like. Those scripts can then be dropped into Plotagon and animated into video you can watch. Obviously the bad…

Star Trek’s ‘Redshirts’ finally get their due in new TV series

According to /Film the 2013 Hugo Award winner for Best Novel Redshirts is being adapted into a limited TV series for FX. So, it’s not really about the ill fated red shirts of the original Enterprise. That would involve copyright and other such things. At the same time though, it is about those poor doomed…

Are You Watching Helix?

Zombies have nearly run their course. They, along with vampires, wizards and the ‘supernatural’ in general have had a good run for the past few decades but we’re quickly reaching the point where we’ve had every possible variation of every story, for now anyway. NBC’s Dracula, which was actually pretty good, portrayed the Transylvanian bloodsucker…

[Video] S.H.I.E.L.D. Looks a Bit Like MIB but with Super Heroes

Joss Whedon’s new series S.H.I.E.L.D., coming this fall on ABC, looks like it is taking the Men In Black ” You’re a rumor, recognizable only as deja vu and dismissed just as quickly. You don’t exist; you were never even born…” etc., It also looks really good. Granted, pretty much anything can look good in…

[Video] S.H.I.E.L.D. Looks a Bit Like MIB but with Super Heroes

Joss Whedon’s new series S.H.I.E.L.D., coming this fall on ABC, looks like it is taking the Men In Black ” You’re a rumor, recognizable only as deja vu and dismissed just as quickly. You don’t exist; you were never even born…” etc., It also looks really good. Granted, pretty much anything can look good in…