Category: Trailer

  • First trailer for the Hobbit: the Battle of Five Armies

    If you’re like me, you’re going to see this … one way or another. The Lord of the Rings was brilliant, all the way through. I’m even looking forward to seeing the ‘extended cut’. The Hobbit so far has been completely meh but having seen the first two parts, might as well see it through,…

  • If this trailer is true, Mad Max will be better than ever

    Trailers can lie, anyone with any talent as an editor should be able to cobble together a few minutes of footage from a two hour movie and make it look like it’s gonna be good. With that said though, if Mad Max: Fury Road (IMDB) is half as good as this trailer makes it look,…

  • The Walking Dead Full Comic Con panel and Season 5 trailer

    Entering Season 5, the Walking Dead is looking for something to be about. In season 1 it was about the zombie apocalypse. In season 2 everyone hung out at a farm and talked about whether or not there was a god, also a child died. In season 3 the gang found a prison to take…

  • First trailer for Season 3 of Arrow

    Ok, this show nearly lost me last season. It had become too much of a soap opera and not enough super hero but the end of the season gave me hope. The characters who tended to introduce soap opera elements into the script are rapidly disappearing – Moira Queen is dead, Thea Queen is gone…

  • First full trailer for Doctor Who season 8

    I’ve said repeatedly since the announcement was made that I’m thrilled about Peter Capaldi taking over as the Doctor. Matt Smith, who played a 900 year old time lord as a spoiled child, was taxing to watch. Of course Stephen Moffat is still at the helm and his tenure as show runner has not gone…

  • Utopia Series 2 Trailer is Here: Best new series of 2013 returns in July

    Utopia is the darkest British series I’ve ever seen. It was also the best new series of 2013. The story of a graphic novel containing government secrets, a government conspiracy to permanently solve overpopulation and a group of comic book fans who (in the beginning) had very little idea what they had made for a…

  • New trailer for Game of Thrones Season 4

    It’s still almost a month before we see a new episode of Game of Thrones on April 6. So, for now, we’ll have to content ourselves with the little sneak peaks that HBO decides to throw us from time to time. If you’d like to get in the spirit a bit early though, there is…

  • Watch the Barely Political trailer for Gravity 2

    Most movies don’t really need a sequel and I was pretty sure that Gravity was one of those. I have to admit though that, based on the Barely Political trailer, Gravity 2 looks like it could be way better than the original. I hope I get to see it in iMax!

  • Here’s the second trailer for Game of Thrones, Season 4

    Game of Thrones is coming back to HBO on April 6 and the producers are slowly giving us more and more glimpses. If you’ve read the books you know what Joffrey getting married, Tryrion in chains, Daenerys promising to do what Queens do and Valar Morghulis mean for the storyline. If you haven’t read the books,…

  • Franz Kafka, the video game coming soon

    The Franz Kafka video game is exactly what you think / are afraid it might be, a video game based on the writings of Franz Kafka  .. so it should be Kafkaesque I suppose. Samantha Grossman at Time says “Good news for fans of alienation and deep inner turmoil: a video game based on the…