Yes, Rush Limbaugh’s ratings are in the toilet but that may not be good news

Sites like Daily Kos are having a great time watching Rush Limbaugh’s downward spiral and with good reason. Limbaugh was once called “the Most Dangerous Man in America“. His decades long campaign of propaganda, lies, deceit and hate speech hurt Americans individually and collectively and to a lesser extent, people around the world. Limbaugh has been as…

And now a message from the Tea Party “Vote President Snow”

Ok, it’s really from CineFix and not the Tea Party but it’s not far off. The desire to cling desperately to outmoded ideas that weren’t that good in the first place because you’ve somehow decided that it will return you to a past that wasn’t really as good as you think it was is true in both…

Pointing Out the Flaws of Conservatives is Getting Boring

I feel like I should spend more time on this site and on Twitter pointing out the flaws of conservatives here in Canada and in the United States. The truth is that it’s getting boring and repetitive. I’ve been pointing out the flaws of conservatives and their ‘philosophies’ since the days of Reagan and, although…

A Long List of Things Americans Should Be Tired of

Today a headline on read “Navy yard shooting: Americans ‘sick and tired’ of mass killings“. It seems to me that Americans are, or should be, tired of many, many things. Most of the problems that plague American politics haven’t changed substantially in decades, despite the fact that the problems have solutions. The difficulty, in…