Category: CineFix

  • The 100 Most Iconic Shots of All Time

      This quick, 5 minute, video from CineFix crams together a ton of great cinema. It also establishes the value of the defining shot. These shots, many of which are only a few seconds long, don’t tell the story of the films they are from. However, for people who have seen the film, they define what…

  • CineFix explains the origin of Star Wars starting in 1910 Japan

    What do silent films in Japan, World War II, Westerns, America’s move the suburbs, the end of the film studio monopolies, an auto racing accident and Samurai have to do with Star Wars? If you don’t know – watch this history lesson from CineFix. (All of this without even getting into Joseph Campbell’s work on…

  • Seven things you probably didn’t know about the Walking Dead

    Some of these things are fairly obvious, others much less so but see how many of CineFix‘s 7 things you probably didn’t know, you already knew.

  • And now a message from the Tea Party “Vote President Snow”

    Ok, it’s really from CineFix and not the Tea Party but it’s not far off. The desire to cling desperately to outmoded ideas that weren’t that good in the first place because you’ve somehow decided that it will return you to a past that wasn’t really as good as you think it was is true in both…

  • Watch Fear Force Five, the giant pirate zombie movie, on YouTube

    ‘Fear Force Five’ is a new, shortish, less than 30 minute, film available only on the Cinefix YouTube channel. It was directed by Jack Perez, director of ‘Some Guy Who Kills People’.  The story is set in a sleepy seaside town which is, as they usually are, attacked by a giant zombie pirate with a lobster claw. Five…

  • The 8 Bit Version of the Shining

    This video makes me sad, because it is not an actual video game or full length movie. Other than that, it is awesome. From CineFix, the version of the Shining that they said probably shouldn’t be made.

  • Back to the Future, the Musical

    Everything is a musical now, from Doctor Seuss and Lord of the Rings to Evil Dead and soon American Psycho, so this video may just be ahead of its time and not really a parody. Either way though, a brilliant bit of fun from the folks at CineFix.

  • But What if Dr. Suess Made the Walking Dead? [Video]

    How often have you been sitting there watching the Walking Dead and thought to yourself “I wonder what Dr. Seuss would have done with this?” Probably pretty often right? Suess seems like he would have been a natural fit for the zombie show (and Breaking Bad obviously). Well the people at Cinefix wondered too, and…

  • Watch the 3 Minute 8 Bit Version of Anchorman

    If you’re looking forward to Anchorman II but haven’t seen the original in awhile, now you can catch up – not in plain old HD but in glorious 8 bit. Brought to you by the folks at CineFix.