Steubenville Whistle Blower Could Do More Time Than the Rapists

Deric Lostutter (a.k.a. KYAnonymous) is probably the person most responsible for calling national and international attention to the rape of a teenage girl by Steubenville high school football players. Now, he may be facing up to 10 years in prison for the hacking which unearthed evidence against the rapists. In an interview with Mother Jones…

Arming Sisters Campaign Seeks to Teach Self-Defense to Indigenous Women

Patricia Stein ( Twitter ) , a Lakota woman currently living in Egypt, has launched a new crowd funded project aimed at teaching self defense skills to women. Her plan is to travel across North America teaching self defense. As she states in the video below, one in three native women will be raped, two…

Arming Sisters Campaign Seeks to Teach Self-Defense to Indigenous Women

Patricia Stein ( Twitter ) , a Lakota woman currently living in Egypt, has launched a new crowd funded project aimed at teaching self defense skills to women. Her plan is to travel across North America teaching self defense. As she states in the video below, one in three native women will be raped, two…

Don’t Blink: News Roundup for December 30

In the information age we are inundated by news and trivia, Don’t Blink is a regular featured designed to hilight a whole bunch of stories you may have missed in a relatively small amount of space. Canada: In Canada this week the news largely focused on Chief Theresa Spence and mounting pressure on PM Stephen…

Don’t Blink: News Roundup for December 30

In the information age we are inundated by news and trivia, Don’t Blink is a regular featured designed to hilight a whole bunch of stories you may have missed in a relatively small amount of space. Canada: In Canada this week the news largely focused on Chief Theresa Spence and mounting pressure on PM Stephen…

Legitimate Rape (the Song), the Republican Party Agrees with Todd Akin and Other Notes

The information on, articles about and pot shots at Todd Akin are coming too fast and furious to try to focus on them all. Instead, here are a few hilights from today’s news. First, a very important song that will help you to know if (by Republican standards) you have been legitimately raped. via Buzzfeed…

Legitimate Rape (the Song), the Republican Party Agrees with Todd Akin and Other Notes

The information on, articles about and pot shots at Todd Akin are coming too fast and furious to try to focus on them all. Instead, here are a few hilights from today’s news. First, a very important song that will help you to know if (by Republican standards) you have been legitimately raped. via Buzzfeed…