Conservatives still don’t understand what “freedom of religion” is

In the US Constitution it says the government cannot make any law “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms simply says that a person has the “freedom of conscience and religion”. What this means is that you have the right to believe anything you want…

Help Amnesty International: Russian journalist & LGBT youth outreach worker charged with ‘propaganda’

Russian journalist Elena Klimova who founded the website “Children 404” has been arrested in Russia according to Amnesty International. Children 404 is a website that provides a “safe space for teenagers to share their stories, get support and obtain advice from experienced psychologists.” It helps LGBT youth to deal with discrimination, violence and psychological attacks…

Help Kickstart a Film About A Camp That Makes Straight People Gay

Religion has always been good at capitalizing on guilt. In one of the newer rackets, religion first makes people feel guilty about being born gay, and then sends them to a camp which they claim will help to make them straight again. If they are successful, they send gay people into the world prepared to…