Category: Kickstarter

  • Kickstart the “Personal Space” web series: Featuring alumni from Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek: Voyager

    Three members of the Battlestar Galactica cast and one from Star Trek: Voyager are among the cast members of Personal Space, a new web series currently raising funds on Kickstarter. The last time we saw Nicki Clyne, who played Cally (Henderson) Tyrell on BSG she was floating out of an airlock in the series final…

  • Help Kickstart this Indiana Jones “fan film” starring Timothy Omundson and Simone Bailly

    When I say “fan film” you probably think of a story written by a teenager where Harry Potter teams up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer or maybe a group of people who play Star Trek  and record it. That is not what this is. Army of the Lost Horizon is described as a “love letter to…

  • Can we have Reading Rainbow for adults please?

    Reading Rainbow aired on PBS for 23 years and this week, Levar Burton raised more than 3 million dollars (and counting) to bring it back for the 21st century. As a parent I’m really happy about that. Reading Rainbow was a great series for kids and it will be again. In the age of the…

  • Kickstarting a NSA Proof Email App

    Lavabit founder Ladar Levison is working to create a user friendly encrypted email service that will be difficult, if not impossible, to intercept and read even for the NSA. According to Fastcoexist: ”Last week, we learned that Levison has teamed up with Mike Janke of Silent Circle, another secure messaging service that also shut down…

  • Can Sidekick Accurately Predict the Success of Your Kickstarter?

    A Swiss team claims that their new tool Sidekick can predict the success of a Kickstarter project with 76% accuracy 4 hours after its launch. According to Popular Science: “The team, from the university École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, laid out a system in a paper presented at the Conference on Online Social Networks. By…

  • New Law Moves the US from Crowd Funding to Crowd Investing (Which Is Much Better)

    By now everyone is familiar with crowd funding through websites like Kickstarter and IndieGogo. A new US law (that will hopefully be echoed everyone else soon) allows for crowd investing, or micro investing. That is good news for creative projects and small businesses of every description. From the Hollywood Reporter: “The change is coming courtesy…

  • The Baby From Labyrinth is Kickstarting a New Puppet Movie

    Toby Froud’s parents were the designers of the puppets that Jim Henson used in Labyrinth and the Dark Crystal. They also allowed Henson to use their baby (Toby) as the child stolen by Goblin King David Bowie. Toby is now trying to follow in his parents footsteps, with financial support from Jim Henson’s youngest daughter…

  • Help Kickstart a Documentary About the World’s Greatest Extra

    You might remember Jesse Heiman from his roles in Old School, the Social Network, Catch Me If You Can or Spiderman but probably not. Jesse is an extra, but a very prolific extra he has appeared in over 300 films and television programs. There is something about his look that, apparently that directors like to have in the background:…

  • Help Kickstart a Film About A Camp That Makes Straight People Gay

    Religion has always been good at capitalizing on guilt. In one of the newer rackets, religion first makes people feel guilty about being born gay, and then sends them to a camp which they claim will help to make them straight again. If they are successful, they send gay people into the world prepared to…

  • Suggested Reading: Amanda Palmer’s Letter to Morrissey

    In March I wrote about Morrissey’s ongoing health problems, touring problems and lack of a label. Today, Amanda Palmer herself wrote an open letter to Morrissey in Salon. I was shocked at how critical people were about it, but then I realized that the fans were largely taking their cues from certain segments of the…