Once more with feeling “GMOs Won’t Harm Your Health”

Indre Viskontas at Mother Jones has posted an interview with Dr. Steven Novella of Yale. “Novella is a prominent voice in the skeptical movement, a scientific movement that, as he describes it, focuses heavily on explaining the truth behind common myths—things that people believe that aren’t true.” It is worth reading the whole article but…

What Are Genetically Modified Foods [Video]

There is a lot of talk about genetically modified food but there frequently seems to be far more talk than thought on the subject. Yes, there are problems but they are not generally health related problems. The key problem, in my opinion, is that genetic modification happens so quickly now that the impact on the…

Soon You’ll Be Able to do Genetic Engineering at Home!

A new Kickstarter project says that it’s high time for your to do some genetic engineering of your own. This basic kit just does one thing. It allows even a beginner to grow a plant that combines a mustard flower with jellyfish DNA. But, according to io9 this is just the very beginning: “What’s amazing is all…

Soon You’ll Be Able to do Genetic Engineering at Home!

A new Kickstarter project says that it’s high time for your to do some genetic engineering of your own. This basic kit just does one thing. It allows even a beginner to grow a plant that combines a mustard flower with jellyfish DNA. But, according to io9 this is just the very beginning: “What’s amazing is all…