Category: GMO

  • It sounds like Bill Nye has come around on genetically modified (GM) crops

    I like Bill Nye, but it has bothered me for some time that he was anti-GMO. Nye has been a tireless defender of science when it comes to things like climate change and evolution. So it bothered me that he chose to cherry pick the science when it came to genetics. About 95 percent of…

  • Soon You’ll Be Able to do Genetic Engineering at Home!

    A new Kickstarter project says that it’s high time for your to do some genetic engineering of your own. This basic kit just does one thing. It allows even a beginner to grow a plant that combines a mustard flower with jellyfish DNA. But, according to io9 this is just the very beginning: “What’s amazing is all…

  • Soon You’ll Be Able to do Genetic Engineering at Home!

    A new Kickstarter project says that it’s high time for your to do some genetic engineering of your own. This basic kit just does one thing. It allows even a beginner to grow a plant that combines a mustard flower with jellyfish DNA. But, according to io9 this is just the very beginning: “What’s amazing is all…