Category: Health

  • It is too late to regulate gene editing

    The scientific community is shocked and outraged this week over the announcement that a Chinese doctor has gene edited two children to make them more resistant to HIV. Much of the scientific community believes that we are still decades away from being able to safely and accurately edit the genetics of embryos, that there are…

  • What the Future Holds Part I: Science and Technology

    Like most people, the future I want to see informs my politics and my worldview. However, I’ve also had a hard look at what the coming decades are likely to hold. Trying to plan for what you’d like to happen, without taking into account what is very likely to happen, regardless of whether you want…

  • What would health care look like as an app?

    Imagine if your phone, or whatever device you use, kept track of your health better than your family physician does; Imagine if it could tell you ahead of time if you were getting sick before you were aware of symptoms, or told you what to do to avoid getting sick; Imagine if it could share…

  • The placebo effect : Why fake medicines work, sometimes

    Photo credit: SnaPsi Сталкер via Visual hunt / CC BY-ND The “health and wellness” market is flooded with medicines, treatments and supplements of dubious value. Many “alternative”, “naturopathic” or “holistic” treatments have been debunked or, at least, have very little evidence of effectiveness. Despite this, there are people who will swear to you that they…

  • What you should know about Ebola (+video)

    Viruses are scary things. Some of them are deadly but they are very small and invisible to the naked eye. The only defenses against them, even in states where you can openly carry firearms, are good hygiene, vaccines and your body’s natural defenses. That means that there is no way to be 100% sure that…

  • Short animation explains how your immune system works

    Ok, sure, your immune system puts the US Dept. of Homeland Security to shame. To be fair though, it did evolve over millions of years instead of being crammed together over a few months in a bill so large that no one actually read it. This 6 minute animation from Kurzgesagt explains just part of…

  • Video from ASAP Science: Does being cold make you sick?

    Conventional wisdom holds that you need to bundle up and stay warm during the winter because you will catch a cold if you don’t. According to the video below from AsapSCIENCE, it isn’t nearly that simple.  Colds and flu are, after all, caused by viruses and being cold, by itself, doesn’t bring you into contact…

  • What Are Genetically Modified Foods [Video]

    There is a lot of talk about genetically modified food but there frequently seems to be far more talk than thought on the subject. Yes, there are problems but they are not generally health related problems. The key problem, in my opinion, is that genetic modification happens so quickly now that the impact on the…

  • Music and Comedy Could Save Your Life

    What if you could skip the gym and go to music or comedy shows instead? The Toronto Star is reporting that a new study from Dr. Michael Miller (University of Maryland) shows that music and laughter can have the same positive effects for your heart as exercise: “”Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to…

  • Finally Home: Where I’ve Been

    Last Thursday, September 27, I went out to a film screening and reception with the First Weekend Club – while having a drink in the bar of the Drake Hotel I felt a burning in my chest which I though was heartburn but turned out to be a collapsed lung – so, I’ve spent the…