Free Online DIY workshops

While writing the last little bit about Casey McKinnon and Rudy Jahchan I was reminded of a PodCamp Toronto – where I took a few workshops with them. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, you can too. All (I think) of the workshops from Podcamp Toronto are still available through it’s Wiki: Topics…

End of Summer

So, it’s nearly back to school time: Hopefully things will pick up with the campaign once people start getting back to their normal (if less desirable lives). For those of you following this year’s Polaris Music Prize your wait is nearly over. Radio 3’s own Grant Lawrence has been tapped as the host and MC…

Calgary and the League of Poets

Members of the League of Poets from Calgary (and surrounding areas) are being sought to participate in a series of readings. If you are in, or will be in, Calgary in 08 and would like to participate, please contact If you are not familiar with ‘the League’ read on: The League of Canadian Poets,…

iPod Moment Approaching for Television

Google’s Vint Cerf “one of the founding fathers of the internet” has predicted the “iPod moment” for television in an article in the Telegraph. In the same way that people now download their favourite music onto their iPod, he said that viewers would soon be downloading most of their favourite programmes onto their computers. Personally…