Category: Uncategorized

  • I’m Back (or a version of me is)

    I’m Back (or a version of me is)

    It’s been a very long time since I wrote anything. First, for a time, I wasn’t really sure what to say about the world. Then I didn’t have a lot of time and then I wasn’t really sure what to say. The latter is still somewhat true and is made worse by the likelihood that…

  • Hello World! (Post One)

    Hello, and welcome to my new space on the internets. I chose the name the Reboot for a variety of reasons, both personal and thematic. Personally, I wanted a clean white page in front of me to work from and I wanted to make a fresh start in terms of subject matter. Topically, I want…

  • Here Come the Robots

    Here Come the Robots

    Robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and other forms of automation are making rapid progress. According to a 2103 study from the Oxford Martin school at the University of Oxford, 47 percent of current US jobs will be automated (or computerized as they put it) by 2033. That 47 percent includes virtually all repetitive or analytical work….

  • Hello World

    This site is going to, primarily, be about politics. The focus will largely be on Canadian politics but may occasionally stray across the border, across the pond or even into a different hemisphere but, mostly Canadian, most of the time. I will also try to focus primarily on issues. There are only so many ways…

  • Living In A Movie.

    I didn’t go to film school and never was a cinephile. Directors names meant nothing to me before the last couple of years and not too long ago, I hadn’t seen Gone With The Wind or the Wizard of Oz. When I was a kid I would get really onto one specific movie and just…

  • Ethiopian jet crashes off Beirut (Al Jazeera)

    An Ethiopian Airlines plane carrying 85 passengers has reportedly crashed into the sea after taking off from Lebanese capital Beirut. Airport sources cited by the Reuters news agency said the aircraft disappeared from radar screens shortly after take-off early on Monday morning. more at Al Jazeera

  • Transcontinental layoffs looming (

    CHARLOTTETOWN — Transcontinental Media has unveiled plans to centralize all page layout operations for its daily and weekly newspapers in the Maritimes. The Quebec-based publisher said Wednesday the cost-saving move will see all pagination and advertising placement handled in Charlottetown, inside the offices of the daily Charlottetown Guardian. More at The Chronicle Herald

  • Israeli PM plays down minister’s Lebanon war claim (BBC)

    Israel’s prime minister has distanced himself from comments by a member of his cabinet who suggested Israel was heading for a new war with Lebanon. Israel was “not seeking any conflict” with Lebanon, Benjamin Netanyahu said. More at BBC

  • Only some things change.

    Today’s society is an ever changing and evolving one to say the least. Technology has improved to the level where a lazy person can have an affair without leaving the comfort of their recliner. Simply click, chat, and tell lies..about how good you look and how tall you are, and how single (although your wife…

  • Open Discussion: Fate and Destiny.

    The greatest joy that I receive in writing this blog is the feedback from the readers. Lately people have written to me about fate and destiny. So I thought it would be good to open up some dialogue about the two words. Do you believe in fate and/or destiny? Would it surprise you to know…